Looking for Final Advice before purchase

I found the case at that price with that color. or did misunderstand?
- http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/nzxt-nzxt-phantom-410-mid-tower-desktop-computer-case-ca-ph410-r1-red-ca-ph410-r1/10202591.aspx?path=15b8d292d2eb9cfe742eaf46be30161den02.

also, I planned on using the stock cooler just to start and purchasing the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO later.

you're cheaping out on your PSU imo though...

Where in canada are you? I used MemoryExpress to get all my parts... I've never had a better experience with a company and their pricematch policy is unreal... I'd look into them
If you wait on the SSD you will have to completely reinstall windows to switch to ACHI mode. I can understand waiting on the second 760, but I would never skimp on the power supply. A low quality power supply can not only cause stability issues, it can actually damage hardware.

The Psu is a bit cheap, but the reviews seemed very good. I'm open to alternatives though. And I'm about an hour south of Ottawa.


What I mean't by a better power supply is I'd purchase one later that could support 760's in sli, because I'm pretty sure i need more than 550 watts.

True, If I see a better Psu or any other part for that matter on sale for close to the orignal price i'll definately get it.


So how much of a pain/time investment is it to add an ssd later?

There are walkthroughs on the web that claim to be able to switch a windows install from IDE to ACHI but in my experience there are always issues later. You could always partition the HDD in two separate drives, one for the OS and one for data that way you can keep your important data on the second partition and when you reinstall Windows not lose as much information. Resizing a partition with data on it is a slow process and it is always possible to lose the data as well. If you can find the money to get the SSD now it is worth not having the headaches later, unless like me you enjoy punishment and reinstall Windows regularly anyway.
If you "plan" on a 2nd 760 to SLI they why get a 550W in the first place (like everyone above is suggesting), 550W would be fine for a single card but not 2 (the 760 is 170 TDP). It just seems like a waste of money to do this. I would forgo the SSD for now and save a bit more for a 750W PS to start off with (a 650W would work but you would have no headroom and it would pretty much have to be gold rating I would think so that would not be a good option either). Just my thoughts