Looking for gaming laptop help.

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Sep 17, 2013
I am attempting to buy a gaming laptop for school and will be spending a lot of time on campus. My budget is around $1,300-$1,400. I've been using a desktop my whole life so laptop searching is new to me. Not looking for anything crazy, just something to get me through the next couple years of school. The two I liked and seemed have been...




Any suggestions is appreciated.
Hey Bauer18, out of the two laptops you suggested, the asus rog has more ram (12gb over 8gb), however it doesn't have the better video processor, nor the dual ssd and hdd setup. Both have HD 17.3' displays, and both have intel i7's. I would recommend, the XOptic over the Rog because of the SSD/HDD setup, the slightly better video processor, and a nice lightup keyboard. (If you ever needed to you can upgrade the RAM on both laptops, so that isn't an issue.) Hopefully I helped to inform you a bit, and if you have any other questions feel free to reply to this post or tag me in another.
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