Looking for gaming rig at 1000$

Prrathamesh Loke

May 9, 2014
Hello !
I am building a gaming rig. My budget is around 1000$ (max 1075$).

Here is my potential build. Please give your inputs

My Build

Budget Range: $1000-1075

System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, movies, surfing the internet, Image editing

Parts Not Required: completely fresh build

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: www.snapdeal.com

Country: Mumbai,India

Parts Preferences: I have been looking at the Intel CPUs.


SLI or Crossfire:NO

Monitor Resolution: doesn't really matter, probably closest to standard

Additional Comments: I usually play games such as Assassins Creed,Crysis,Dead space,NFS . . .etc

1. I live in India so components are 15-25% costlier here
2. For Indian friends the budget is 80,000₹.
3. I know that gpu is overkill for my monitor (considering resolution) I want to make the system future proof beside i might connect it to my HDTV once in a while.

Any help is appriciated
Thank You.

I have made some changes to your build. I know you were looking at intel CPUs, tho the AMD FX-8350 is a very good option for the price!
If you want overclock you might add a CPU cooler (the cooler master 212 EVO will do the job for 30$)

I also added a 23" ASUS FHD 1ms Screen, which is better than the 18.5" you wanted.
I changed the PSU for XFX which is a better choice of way better quality
2x4GB is better than 1x8GB -> DUAL channel

Let me know if you have any question

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($181.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus M5A99X EVO R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($106.99 @ NCIX US)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($78.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($56.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 2GB WINDFORCE Video Card ($338.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 ATX Mid Tower Case ($47.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: XFX 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($79.74 @ Amazon)
Monitor: Asus VX238H 23.0" Monitor ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1011.64
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-09 08:34 EDT-0400)
Thank you for your response.

Sadly the monitor is not available in indian online retailers.

I have few question about this build did you purposely changed gpu brand(from zotec to galaxy) ? Or brand doesnt make much difference

Cpu+mobo combo is quite good for multi threading but does that really matter ? because AFFIK only 2-4 threads are used for gaming dont know about photoshop though.

n single threded performance of interl is better. besides amd reqires more power so is it a good choice ?
You won't find the XFX in India. The Corsair TX in his build is a good PSU, on par with the XFX just avoid the Corsiar CX series.

Stick to the intel build, most games are barely using 4 cores and the i5 per core performance is better.

Only change I would make is to get a dual channel kit of ram. You typically get 10-15% better performance out of RAM run in dual channel.
I am also from India go for inteli7 (amd is not good for Indian temps)
CPU core i7
HDD 2tb
GPU r9 280x
Psu 700wcrosair
Liteon bray burner (1800only)
8+4gb ram or 8x2gb
Mobo is rog series z87 Asus only
Wills 65000rs ka super gaming pc

Thanks for your replies !

lol No mmx had worst experiance with them they took 6 month to repair ma smartphone so no mmx

i7 is for ppl who need to perform conversion. Games reqire powerful gpu. So its kinnda waste of money.

You can check monthly gaming cpu article.they clearly mentioned i5 4670k is max for gaming rig

Even i thought the same amd is not ment for indian weather. We have average temp around 30*C to 40*C

Yes i will make necessary changes in RAM Module
For the hot temps, you could also get a decent cpu cooler if you think you will need something better than the stock cooler. The CM 212 EVO is the cheapest I would recommend. Most the ones cheaper than that are not an improvement over the stock cooler (there are probably some good ones, i just don't have the time to learn each model).

I would stick with the i5, the i7 would be good if you did a lot of video rendering or if you have extra money to spend. There is only a 1-2 fps increase in games over the i5, not worth the extra $$ you pay for it if you are primarily gaming. Games just aren't programmed to take advantage of the i7 hypertreading yet, most are barely using more than 2 cores at this time.
First thing i wanna say to all indians is, dont buy an overclocking build unless u have ur pc in an air conditioned room. Its not worth the extra money bcoz the ambient temperature is high in most areas. If the area u live in is cool, then overclocking machines do well. Secondly, plan well before starting choosing ur components. Clearly figure out for what ull be using ur pc. And according to that, select the best components for ur need. Do not buy a component just bcoz many recommend it to you. Research a lot and buy the best component which is suitable to you and worth your money. Lastly, definitely buy a good power supply. This step is the most important thing. Please atleast buy a 80+ Bronze certified psu. Anything lower is definitely a no-go.
also am confused between
MSI Z87-G43 Gaming Motherboard
Vs MSI Z87-G43 Motherboard (W/o gaming )
vs GIGABYTE GA-Z87M-D3H Motherboard

is it really worth to spend 10$ extra on gaming motherboard if not which one of later 2 is better ?
cooling isnt issue for for me as i suppose this build will take atleast 3 yrs to slow down. by that time i can buy good cpu cooler for it to overclock.

besides haf 912 has big out fan on top (200mm) which should be able to maintain temperature. (as hot air moves upward)
U have a good budget so go for 12 GB ram but
If we see a ps4 inner architecture
It is having an octa core CPU+ 20gpucus
With 8gbs of ddr5 ram and 512mb of extra ram
That mean if you are trying to make a gaming PC
To play @1080p at high you must have 8gb of DDR rams but all u need is a 12gb of DDR 3 ram oc to play super decently and at least GPU equal to no better then r9 270x as a base for gaming
As I told mono should only be rog series mono from Asus mod no.z87 ROG MEANS REPUBLIC OF GAMERS GO FOR RED ONE
well increasing ram will reduce my gpu budget . i dont want that. i will buy another 8 gb stick next year maybe. damn wish i had relative comming from us soon. i could afford gtx780 even r9 290. a cpu n gpu would have saved atleast 10-15k₹

max 10k for mobo n 7.5k for ram.

i checked the specs and ps4 has gddr5 8 GB ram .besides there is no point in comparing ps4 and pc game as while relesing games for indivisual platform those games will be optimised in differnt way. Now about cpu of ps4 well although its octa core the clock speed is less and i heard its performace in some what near to athelon x2 serise.
For the mobo, the MSI Z87-G43either gaming or non gaming is good. The "gaming" I believe allows you to overclock a bit higher but not positive. The GIGABYTE GA-Z87M-D3H is a microATX mobo so no point in getting it over the other 2. To be honest, I didn't know there was a non-gaming version of that motherboard :).

For the PS4 comparison, directly comparing the hardware is pretty tough but what you are getting will be better graphics wise than the PS4.

And no need for more than 8 gb ram at this time unless you are doing some video/audio rendering or CAD work.
hey guys
i have changed my mind a bit i want to focus (even) more on gpu. I guess i will buy a R9 290. I am thinking of a non overclocking build. so i stepped down cpu to i5 4440 can u suggest me a cheap mobo which will not bottelneck my build ?
i dont care about overclocking potential or extra features on mobo. its just that it should be able to handle my GPU easily.

also am considering buying a 8gb memory stick as ma budget is restricting me.

even sli n crossfire support is not required

motherboard should cost equal or less than MSI H87M-G43 Motherboard
Yeha i was thinking about xatly same gpu. its che ked
hdd checked
Ram checked

Although cpu is better
I am worried about mobo. Its very basic. I had eye on it. Are you sure it wont bottleneck the gpu. ??

Some how i want the budget to be under 80k so i guess i will stick to lower monitor.

And i dont want to change haf 912. It has ideal cooling vents according to me.

again antec is it good brand ? havent heard much about it. i had seasonic 650 in my mind
For PSUs your best choice would be: Corsair, Seasonic, Antec and XFX (not in india) they all have about the same efficency at your budget, however i selected the antec one because it has 2x12 volt power rails. The motherboard is very good and efficent and no bottnecking issues.

REMINDER: Any monitor below 21.5 inches goes less than 1920x1080 resolution which is the ideal for maximum quality at that size, if you find a cheaper 21.5 inch monitor than definitely go for it since anything lower will give you the quality of 1600x900 resolution, in short I reccomend you stick to a minimum of 21.5 inch monitor the cheapest one at that. search for the cheapest CM HAF 912 if you absolutely want to keep it the Carbide is a greast one however if you want to switch.

if you want to keep it below 80k Inr go for a GTX 770 instead. I wouldnt go for Zotac or Galaxy.

Actually i made few changes in w.r.t yours n previous suggestions. N bought it around 79800

The gpu is same sapphire tri 290
Ram according to you suggestions
Hdd same old 2tb
Haf 912 cabinate with side window
Psu seasonic 650

Intel 4440
Mobo was h87 g43 by msi

Now if asus mobo is good i will take that
Will have a look at antec n let you know
If budget allows will upgrade cpu to either 4570 or 4670 as differnce between them is mere 700bucks here