Looking for good headphones for cheap (~$60+)


Jul 8, 2015
I've had a turtle beach px22 headset for a while now and I have to wiggle the 3.5 jack around until it recognizes it correctly, otherwise it sounds bad, and it's time for a new one.
Anyway I've been thinking about switching to a snowball ICE mic and headphones, so I'm looking for good headphones for a good price that when paired with the mic won't be to much or maybe I can come up some (I'll be building a desktop a few years from now so I don't feel to good about spending too much... but it's probably in the future far enough where I can come up).
So I found the M30x it's pretty cheap (~$60), but I don't really know much about headphones so I'm looking for advice, opinions, etc.

M30x: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HVLUQW8/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1EHB64RG9PMU8&coliid=I5SHCF8Z0GO43&psc=1
wood sides may change the sound signature. you could always paint the backs matte black if you hate blue.

plugging holes will change the sound signature.

I've had a similar set of AT headphones (ATH 700x), they were very good although the brand is known for being a bit light on the bass. I don't think you could go wrong with those at that price point. You may want to invest in an amp particularly if you want to upgrade in the future anyway. The 40mm drivers on those headphones may be okay without it though. If you could go up to the next model in the lineup, it would be worth it.

Yeah I'll get the next one. Also these are studio headphones, I'm sure their good for gaming too right?
M40x: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00HVLUR54/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_267_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=51BPmi9clEL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL100_SR100%2C100_&refRID=0SN5AV56KR7Z1FQQ05HT
I picked up a set of Logitech headphones that come with a boom mic for $32 from electronic express. USB is a pain as you need to set them as default speakers, but other than that they sound decent. Work well for CS:GO when the wife is around , but nothing like when I crank up the old Onkyo amp with its KX12-II speakers.
m30x leaves much to be desired compared to its more expensive brother the m50x. i have a m50 (older version of the m50x) and gifted a m30 (older m30x) years ago and while sound quality is not bad its nowhere near as nice with even shallower earcups and lacking a bit of the heft. soundstage on both is also small (very small). i like them (m50) but the soundstage doesnt bother me as i use them for music mostly.

m30x is nothing like the ad700x - dont even try to compare them.

now, the ad500x and ad700x (open) or a500x and a700x (closed.. but opens would be better) are good for the money. bass light, super wide soundstage and easy to drive. comfort if you like the headband is said to be good.

the superlux 668b is a decent can for under $100 as well. the takstar pro 80 (better known for the headset based on it the hyper x cloud) is also not a bad choice. if at low volume the creative aurvana live get decent marks but i'm not sure i would want one for gaming.

if you had more of a budget, the dt770 can be had for similar cost to a m50x and is better all round with fairly wide soundstage for closed cans.

the m40x is similar in signature to the m30 and m50 but doesnt quite have as much bass impact and not quite as much of a v-shape as the m50. overall the m50 is a bit better (dt770 better yet). not sure about soundstage, but i'm thinking it should be similar and on the small side so not as ideal for gaming.

hd518 or hd558 are worth looking at. laid back and fairly neutral. good all around headphones and not hard to drive.

I don't think I want open headphones since I have an annoying brother and people watching TV, etc. I've heard there isn't much for noise cancellation and they seem quite loud to others.
I'm not getting the m50x, too much money.
I'm looking for something that is at least better than the px22 in every aspect (gaming, music, just better in general).
px22: http://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Beach-Universal-Amplified-Playstation-3/dp/B00E5UHSYW?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=od_aui_detailpages00
big difference between the k240 and the new k240 studio. the older ones will be extremely hard to drive while the newer ones will work on *most* setups except those with a weak amplifier. depending on what you have you may or may not need an amplifier or soundcard for them. they are a good budget buy though. they will leak noise in as they are semi open which you said you did not want.

m40 are likely easier to drive but if they take after the m30 and m50 then soundstage is crud.

look into the a500x or a700x closed.

ok, one problem the a700x is ugly. Do you think I could custom make mahogany backs(? or panels) to cover up that funky blue. Or get the k240 (because it looks much better) and plug the holes with mahogany?
I know. I'm weird.
Yeah I just need to find out how to paint them. I'll have a base color of white to match the case of my future build (phantom 410), then I might do something else for a simple design. Luckily I now some people that might have ideas. Thanks!