Looking for GPU for Triple Monitor


Jun 17, 2013
Hi, I am looking to upgrade my GTX 780 and my mobo only supports Crossfire so i cant go SLI with the GTX 780 so my question is there a single Nvidia Card that would deliver enough preformace to runs games at high settings across 3 monitors or am i better off getting 2 AMD cards? This is the AMD cards i was looking at

I should haave enough power to run 2 cause ive a 1050W PSU, any suggestions?
Have you tried triple screening your GTX 780 yet? I find my Titan (same performance but more memory) is more than capable of running single screen 4k or triple screen 1080p.
Why crossfire the 290x
Save £100+ & just go for the 295x2

You need 310mm for the length though & it comes with its own water cooler & radiator so you also need a spare 120mm fan slot with unrestriced depth & an extra 40mm on any one side.
It is worth it though ,Crossfire's 290x's can easily hit 90c - this will pretty much max out at 75c.
& no without sli there is no nvidia solution at this present time.
Ill have measure so and see what i can fit in, i have an extra fan that is cooling my GPU at the moment so i could swap that out I suppose if i have space for the fan I mightn't fit cause of where the mobo is put ill check.
Ya Ive had it for over a year now, its the standard GTX780 also, Im not getting the FPS I want at those settings. Id need more GPU Memory to get more FPS wouldn't I? GByte Z87M-D3H MOBO is my mobo also, It would fit that ok?
I would just wait for the next gfx card to come out and get a new motherboard, but if you have piles of money then go ahead. If you can't wait I would get a new motherboard and another 780. You probably should have 4gb of video card memory if your going to do 3 monitor setup.
I will save up for a new card atm, but I wouldn't get a new GTX 780 with a new mobo cause Id need more memory. Id also need new OS if I got a new mobo wouldn't i? There are roumors that's there will be 8GB Nvidia card coming out soon also.