Looking for Heatsink


Oct 2, 2013
Hey guys i really need your help, i am looking for a CPU Cooler/Heatsink I Am getting a AMD 9590 or 9370 depending how much money from christmas. So it has to be a Amd CPU compatibale heatsink i originaly had the Cooler Master V8GTS 8 heatsink . But it looks hard to intal looking at this video:
Something good that will work with overclocking i can preferibly install with the motherboard still in the case would be nice and the price range is around £100 or less, i could possibly go slightly above but i dont think a heatsink would cost more than £100.

The heatsink i was thinking about :

Also i have an Asus M5a97 motherboard


Do you not need to constantly monitor liquid cooling

With it being a closed loop system, no you dont. While some people are kind of iffy about them( I was at first, liquid around all my high dollar computer stuff? ), after going with a h60 on my current build, I'm very happy with it. Just check your temps when overclocking like you would with normal air cooling, get the right fan profiles, push/pull setup, placement of the radiator,etc, and youre good to go.

Okey, Right here are all my specs, i want to upgrade the ones that are in bold:

AMD 4100 quad core processor ( with stock fan)
Nvidia GTX 550ti
Asus M5a97 Motherboard (amd only cpu compatible i think)
Win-power Power Supply (i have no idea)

I want to upgrade so i can play Bf4/New games like titan fall and stuff on High-Ultra settings, you know for "next gen" games so i dont have to upgrade for a while

the stuff i was thinking of was:
AMD 9370 OR 9590
EVGA Nvidia GTX 770 ( now thinking of going for the 780)
Corsair CP-9020078-UK CS750M 750W Hybrid Modular Power Supply
And some sort of heatsink (now that you mention it water cooling) that will help it run cool

I have had recent thoughs to go to Intel and get a i7 4770k, but then that means a new motherboard

Now its like buying a new computer except from the harddrive, case,case fan and ram

Also i have a Thermaltake commander ms-i case

I would really apreciate it if you could help find me something

And at last i will be deffinetly getting £600, but then from other family members i mignt be able to add another £170-£250 on to it :)

Thankyou if you help me :)

According to the Asus website, the fastest cpu your board will support is the 8350. So, if you wanna go faster than that, you'll have to get a new motherboard as well. As for the 4770k, the cpu itself would cost about half of your budget and you would still need mobo, gpu, and psu.

I would get the 8350 http://www.amazon.co.uk/AMD-FX8350-Edition-Processor-4-2GHz/dp/B009O7YUF6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387585352&sr=8-1&keywords=8350

gtx 780 http://www.amazon.co.uk/EVGA-GeForce-Superclocked-Graphics-2560x1600/dp/B00CYIQ00K/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1387585492&sr=8-2&keywords=gtx+780
Corsair GS 600w psu http://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-Gaming-Series-Edition-Bronze/dp/B00AMLKARU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1387585426&sr=8-3&keywords=corsair+600w

That puts you just under the 600 you said you were able to spend. If you are going to get an extra 200 or so, I would get the 9590 and a mobo to go with it.
As for the cpu cooling, for water, the h60 has been great for me.http://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-CW-9060007-WW-Series-Performance-All-In-One/dp/B00A0HZMGA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387585797&sr=8-1&keywords=h60
With the 9590, you wouldnt have to worry about it.(the ones with WOF the end of the part number are the ones with water cooling)

Ok thankyou very much for taking your time to do that
I will go with what you are recommending, will all that fit in my case yes ?

and i guy i know said this was the best graphic card case to get, because refrence models are not as good( not the one you linked but other ones that look like nvidia's card models)
heres one he recomended http://www.scan.co.uk/products/3gb-evga-gtx-780-6008mhz-gddr5-gpu-863mhz-boost-902mhz-cores-2304-dp-dvi-hdmi
any good ?

Any recommendations on the motherboard also ?
Should work great, when mounting your radiator, it will have to be for rear exhaust(where the fan blows out of hte back of the case), and if youre removing the motherboard, youll want to mount the radiator after the motherboard is in.
The video card is only 10.5 inches, so shouldnt be a problem there.
This should be a really solid system, and if you get the extra money, might consider getting an ssd. While it wont help when it comes to FPS, the load times are much better 🙂
Let us know how everything works out for you.

Can you suggest a motherboard if i get the extra money and will i need to activate windows/Buy windows again

My motherboard almost hits the top of my case, would that be a problem ?
As long as the motherboard works in the case now, adding the video card and changing out the cpu shouldnt change anything in that regard.
As for motherboard recommendations, go with the 990fx chipset, and make sure that it will support the 9590 CPU(this can be done by looking at the manufacturers site and checking the cpu support list for the board).
Good brands to go for in Mobos are Asus(Great parts, crappy customer service if it has an issue), MSI(good parts, good service). I use these 2 exclusively, but have heard good things abotu Asrock and Gigabyte as well. It basically boils down to finding a board with the features you want, the look you want, at the price you can afford. Just do lots of research, and be absolutely sure it will work with your parts.