Looking for help buying a gaming pc


Nov 23, 2015
So im looking for someone to tell me if any of these computers are good for playing games like cs:go, garrys mod, minecraft stuff like that since i know about nothing about computers and graphics cards and such. My budget is between 450-500 and i have 3 pc's ive been looking at so someone could tell me if they are good for the games listed above or you could suggest other pc's
(please dont tell me build my own its to confusing like i said)

1. goo.gl/lFCS7O
2. goo.gl/PseJSX
3. goo.gl/YXIBev
Neither are "Gaming PCs"
The first one may have the best video card ,depending on the model GT730 it has.
All three have
AMD 4300 processors
8 gig of ram
1tb hard drives.
So if I HAD to pick one out of those three it would be system #1
The other two hvae a GT610 or GT720 video cards.
That largely depends on monitor resolution.
At 1080p or 1920x1080 you would get 60 fps or higher on high settings. With dips into the 30s at times.
On a lower resolution you will get higher FPS and high resolution you will get less.

If the GT730 is the 64bit edition you will get much better frame rates.
If it is the regular 128bit edition with a slower GPU you will get the frames I listed above.
I have no way of checking which is in the system you linked.

If you decide to play newer games you will need a video card upgrade.