Looking for help my toshiba laptop c50 - b - 13n.

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Mar 7, 2018
I've had my laptop for 3/4 yrs now and about 2 yrs ago my niece spilt juice on it and ever since then there's been power but the light goes on for like 4 secs then goes of charger indicator works when I plug in but don't turn on and just yesterday I thought il try it again and plugged charger in and press power button and boom it worked so I was on it for about 20 mins then I thought it's time to see if I shut laptop will it power up again and nope it did not power light goes on and of help please
after like 2 yrs it turned on yesterday was on it for like 20 mins and 50% battery then closed it to see if it turns on again it's like it wants to turn on but doesn't :/ I tried cleaning it ( Hoover ) still no luck
Question from itssagets123 : "Laptop won't turn on light comes on then goes of???"

upload some high resolution pictures from both sides of the board after cleanup. Remember remove heatsinks and processor and tapes if you can see juice leftovers could be under there
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