Looking for help to fill in the gaps of PC build


Oct 4, 2014
Looking into upgrading my PC, i got some of the parts that i can salvage from my current PC such as my GPU,CPU, Storage, im just looking for some help to fill in the few thing missing.

I haven't bought the RAM or the PSU in the list yet so that can be changed, the parts that i need help picking out are:

Wireless + Wired network adapter.
CPU Cooler.

Ide like the case to not be cramped because my current one my GPU barely fits in and i would like space to have 2-3 Internal storage slots at least.

Heres the list, http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/kDvJZL
Cheers in advance,
Hey thanks for taking the time to help, the problem is the right side of my computer is kind up up against my desk so having the window on that side i can't see in it to monitor dust and whatnot, is there any that are just as good that have it on the left side instead? and are there any that are closer to 100 that are just as good, if i have to drop about $150 i don't mind just curious.

Thanks again,