Looking for help upgrading parts with e5200 mobo


Jun 28, 2014
I am using a e5200 mobo and my pc model is ACER Aspire x1800 (Dual Core). I am not very knowledgeable with this kind of things but i just wanna ask few things:

1.) What is the best video card that it can handle.
- I want an NVIDIA gpu (http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_family.html)
- a)LOW-PROFILE and b)standard the best it can handle please.
- What is the difference between a ti and a boost gpu?

2.) Does a GDDR5 consumes and requires higher powersupply?

3.) Do i need to upgrade my PSU?

4.) Why can't i upgrade my 32bit os into 64bit?
PS: I tried adding more ram, as of now it reads both 2gb rams which makes it 4 but when i tried upgrading its OS into 64bit it just won't let me pass 70% of installation, I even tried changing its power supply into 500W. how come?

the e5200 is a cpu not a motherboard.
That said i'm looking at the product page, it has a pci-e 2.0x16 slot for an expansion graphics card.


1) gtx750ti would be the best card your system can handle. It comes in a low profile version as well.
2) no
3) yes. it's highly doubtful acer used a decent 220W psu in that system. you'll need a 300W 80+ bronze or better mini itx sized psu (rare i know)... the best one i found was this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817104145
~or you could ditch the old case, get a REAL power supply and not be limited by that small formfactor for your graphics card.

4) wait you have a 500W psu? then no, you don't need to change the psu for that 750ti. as to your...
the e5200 is a cpu not a motherboard.
That said i'm looking at the product page, it has a pci-e 2.0x16 slot for an expansion graphics card.


1) gtx750ti would be the best card your system can handle. It comes in a low profile version as well.
2) no
3) yes. it's highly doubtful acer used a decent 220W psu in that system. you'll need a 300W 80+ bronze or better mini itx sized psu (rare i know)... the best one i found was this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817104145
~or you could ditch the old case, get a REAL power supply and not be limited by that small formfactor for your graphics card.

4) wait you have a 500W psu? then no, you don't need to change the psu for that 750ti. as to your question. its probably because you don't have enough free space on your hard drive. i'd do a fresh install. wipe everything and install the x64 version of windows. (are you freezing installing windows 8? or windows 7... i know windows 8 will freeze on install if you don't have a net connection)

Oops. There are things i don't understand and i need to clarify small things. First is that my friend are doing all the charity works XD he was the one who is doing the upgrading and yes he tried wiping all data before trying to install the win7 64 bit but unfortunately it stops when it reaches 70-80% i'm not sure what happens after but i think it suddenly shutdown and it doesn't freeze and doesn't continue anymore. I only have a 220W as you said earlier regarding the acer company use a standard 220W or so and then he tried to use a 500W it's his personal psu which he use only for testing stuffs but still got no luck.

and yes, i'm also planning to change my casing and upgrade my psu like u said.
- Does a gtx750/ti will do good in a dual core processor? It would not cause to bottleneck right?

yeah. the 750ti will do good for you.

as for the rest... i can only come up with a couple reasons why windows would crash in the install. most of them have to do with drivers or ram issues. have you ever ran memtest86 on the new ram?

i would suggest you test the ram first and make sure it's any good.

Thanks a lot sir ingtar33, really appreciate your help :))