Looking for help: W7 x64 8GB Blue Screen, dump included


Mar 10, 2017
Hi all, thanks for taking a look.

I have a user with a fresh W7 load, the image is one I've used for some time, it's an otherwise solid image with multiple users on the same base image with no issues.

This problem is while the user is working in AutoCAD, randomly he will get a blue screen. I have a screenshot and dump file. I used Bluescreenview but I'm not finding it helpful as I haven't had a chance to really dig into it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


How does the community prefer sharing files? I ask if someone would like to view the dump file.

USB Service error??? What kind of USB devices are hooked up to this system? Is it possible for you to move some USB cables about? You may be getting into an area where you're pulling too much power draw through a single USB controller. USB 3 devices on a USB 2 port? Anything like that?
You can also put the output of the dumpfile up here in the post. It's easy enough to read from there.