Looking for help with finding a good way to cool my CPU


May 15, 2016
Recently, I purchased the stock Cybertron PC Borg DS-9 that came with a Nvidia Geforce GT 730 Graphics card and an AMD FX-6300 Hex Core CPU. After playing some games with these things, I decided that I needed to upgrade the GPU to the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti. After upgrading to the new GPU, my little stock cooler for my CPU was having trouble heating and producing high decibel levels and is pretty much way louder than it was before. It still does it's job, but I am looking to upgrade since the high noise is driving me over the edge. Here are the specs again.

CPU: AMD FX-6300 Hex Core
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti.
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
Current CPU FAN: Foxconn PVA070F12H 0.42 A
Here's a link to the fan and it's specs:

I do have a heatsink attached but I am unsure what model it is. My question is, I am looking to find a better way to cool the CPU via fan+heatsink but I have little to no more space in my pc to get a bigger fan and heatsink. Would I be able to get a bigger fan but keep the heatsink smaller than the fan without having to get a bigger heatsink? The way it is, the fan sticks out far enough to where I could get a larger fan that wouldn't touch any components. I need help!

Can you go more into detail on what you mean when you say that I can "get a better low profile cooler"? Also, how would I get a better fan with more CFM than the one I currently have without increasing the size of the fan?


So are you suggesting that I get a fan that can put out the same amount of air as the one i currently have just at a lower decibel level? The only issue I would see with that fan is A). the price and me being nervous as to not screw something up installing it and thus wasting $40 and B) how I would fit it in unless its possible I could put it ontop of my heatsink that is smaller than 92m in area? I will try to put in a photo of how much space i've got if I can.

I have some images but they aren't allowing me to post them directly onto this board. I will provide my imgur page with the photos on them.

Also, should I have blurred out the numbers and barcodes and what not?
Edit: I cropped the photos to where no barcodes are showing because I was paranoid about people using them to hack me or something.
Nice board. No you can't be hacked or anything by having the barcodes and numbers showing. They are the same on all of that type and lead to nothing.

Okay so it is just a stock heatsink and you can't get a bigger fan because of the mounting screws - correct?
And you are not comfortable with installing a new cooler?

Some questions I should have asked earlier -
What temp was the CPU at before? And now?
How many case fans? If you remove the cover on the case how does it do?

Sorry for the misunderstanding earlier by the way.


Yes, the heatsink is stock and i'm pretty sure the screws are the reason I can't get a bigger one. The temp before while running a high graphics intensive game (Black Ops 3) was at 56 degrees celcius with the new gpu and 53 before. The rpm was 4000 RPM before and 5000 after. Pretty odd for a 3 difference in temperature. While running a stress test the cpu was at 59 degrees celcius at an rpm of ~5625 with the new gpu and 57 degrees celcius at ~5000 RPM with the old gpu.

I have 2 case fans, one on the side and one in the front. I will get back to you about performance with the case off later.
I'm not really comfortable with moving fans around and whatnot, so I'm just gonna accept it as it is because at this point it doesn't look like there's many solutions. I appreciate all of the assistance you have provided! Thanks for your time and effort helping me. I really do appreciate it.