Looking for help with HD 7790


May 6, 2014
Currently on my 2nd RMA with XFX. Not a happy camper right now. I decided to build a new PC over the winter and everything except the GPU has been running right. The first 7790 I received installed great everything went together good, installed the drivers that came with it and restarted opened up Chrome and got some weird horizontal lines at the top of the monitor so I thought maybe the monitor was bad RMA'd that and got a new one. Started playing games on the new card and would get countless black screens of death followed by BSOD's and just glitching left and right. So I RMA'd it. Got a new one back about a week later install went great restarted and pretty much the same deal except no BSOD's or black screens just weird glitchyness in games especially with lots of stuff going on, one night it was like fuzzy then normal fuzzy then normal in games, the next morning i boot up and Im seeing double vision, so now that card is in the mail today for another RMA. I will mention that this build was a complete overhaul brand new everything down to the cables. I have an old HD 4890 I threw in and it works beautifully not a single issue. I have used DisplayDriverUninstaller to uninstall drivers everytime, I have ran countless monitoring softwares everything looks fine, I have tried every driver I know. Im just worried they are going to send me the same new card back and I am going to have the same problems. Just reaching out to see if anyone has any ideas on what I can do to fix these issues. I am running a Corsair 750TX PSU, and Intel I-5.

Thanks Jake
Not much you can do except hope they send you a good card this time. Sounds like you had artifacting with the last one which is definitely a sign of a faulty card. If the next one they give you is bad then ask them for a refund. I'm sure it would be cheaper for them to do that then to keep having to send you new units.

My general rule is that if a GPU isn't an ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, EVGA or Sapphire, I would not even bother with it. Advice for your next upgrade.
Not much you can do except hope they send you a good card this time. Sounds like you had artifacting with the last one which is definitely a sign of a faulty card. If the next one they give you is bad then ask them for a refund. I'm sure it would be cheaper for them to do that then to keep having to send you new units.

My general rule is that if a GPU isn't an ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, EVGA or Sapphire, I would not even bother with it. Advice for your next upgrade.

I would have to agree with that statement now, a fellow computer builder friend was the one whom suggested the card, just haven't had a good experience with it yet lol. And I agree with you on the refund cause I'm sick of pulling them out and sending them back and going back in with my original card. Just wish I could figure out why its doing what its doing.