Looking for insight on purchasing a premade PC then further upgrading it.

Mar 8, 2018
Recently my current PC has started having problems, though that's no surprise as its from 2012/13. Needless to say my PCIEx16 slot is messed up and I can no longer use a new GPU with this system. Everything else works fine. Anyways, I'm looking to find a premade PC which I can put my brand new 1050ti in and my 750w power supply. The main one I'm looking at currently is https://www.bestbuy.com/site/cyberpowerpc-gamer-ultra-desktop-amd-fx-series-8gb-memory-1tb-hard-drive-black-blue/4593000.p?skuId=4593000

I simply wanted to inquire whether the AMD 760G motherboard and AMD FX 4300 processor that it comes with would be worth it and be able to perform well with the new and upcoming games. My previous build was simply a gateway and a 660ti and an i3 processor and that lasted me 6 years.

Looking forward to suggestions and comments, have a good day.


For the extra $150, this second one is MUCH better.
That is a last generation i5, vs a last decade FX...:lol:

However, most people around here would strongly recommend against CyberPower. We've seen too many problems with them, right out of the factory.

Are you up to building one yourself? It's actually easier than you might think.

I've never been the best with hardware, I feel like I could do it but I dont have much time right now to set it up. I really dont like premade "gaming" PC's I've always heard a ton of problems about them such as some of them just having little to no thermal paste holding stuff together lol along with other awful stuff. Not to mention how overpriced they are for what they actually have.