Looking for insight on what's needed

Feb 27, 2018
PC Build in question: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pXNm8Y

Ok, so I have ordered everything, and the remaining items should be here in the next 2 days. Is there anything else I need to order here to get it all installed in 1 day?

Not sure if I have enough internal USB headers and if I should go with the commander pro or the lighting node pro for my build. Will I still be able to control fan speed with the LNP?

Anything glaringly obvious that I left out? Any insight from you experienced builders out there would be great!

If by screen you mean monitor, then yes, I do have one. My question was more for wiring as I'm going to be using 4 LL Fans ( definitely 140s on Corsair H115i Pro, and maybe 140s for top and rear exhaust). Not too sure if I can get a 3 fan bundle with a commander pro and be set, or if I need to get the CP and a Lighting Node pro etc.

New to all this RGB stuff. Basically trying to run Aura Sync for mobo, ram and GPU and then Link for CPU cooler, RGB fans and a RGB strip.