Looking for New Graphic's Card to Run DayZ:SA and Arma 3.


Dec 26, 2013
Currently I have an AMD FX 6300 and a AMD HD 7790 DirectCU II.
Now When i bought this currently i lag at everything medium settings on DayZ and Med-High on Arma 3...Now if I need a new Graphics card. I'm thinking an 7870ghz Edition...I can't go to crazy I don't have a lot of money.

Yeah expect 70-90 FPS on BF4 high settings 1080p or 50-60FPS Ultra with AA off which is amazing. If you can find the R9 270x/270 for cheaper pick it up because they are the same cards just different names oh and the 270 (non-x) is 5% weaker but consumes a lot less power

Yeah expect 70-90 FPS on BF4 high settings 1080p or 50-60FPS Ultra with AA off which is amazing. If you can find the R9 270x/270 for cheaper pick it up because they are the same cards just different names oh and the 270 (non-x) is 5% weaker but consumes a lot less power