Looking for NZXT H440 Inspiration


Jul 5, 2010
So I am doing a brand new build, and have the luxury of time on my side (as in I'll have a computer the whole time I'm building the new one). I want to take my time and be happy with the end product. My last build was essentially thrown together out of excitement and necessity.

I'm looking for some insight as to your color schemes (doesn't have to be an H440 persay) and want to be enlightened. Now I know I can google builds but a lot of those are almost "professional" and I would *much* rather get feedback from the actual people on here that I mingle with!

I have purchased this H440 color scheme along with this EVGA PSU (got a fantastic deal) which at the moment is blacked out. I am really looking into purchasing something like these Bitfenix Sleeved Cables (any color) once I land on a theme of course.
I know I should go full custom loop for cooling but I honestly don't want to drop that money, and I'm already nervous about going from my current massive NZXT Switch 810 case to this new MidTower build. So I am currently between the Corsair H115i and the Swiftech H240 X2 which has a beautiful RGB block, and beautiful reservoir (IMO) as well as clearing tubing with some of the best dye on the market. I'm pretty set on going with an AIO cooler as the best air coolers are just absolutely massive, I don't want to look in my side window and have the vision go straight to a huge air cooler if that makes sense.

I apologize for the length of the post but there are literally so many directions I could go and components I still need to pick out that I am looking for some inspiration of actual builds. FYI I am going the 6600k or 6700k route and the motherboard depends on the theme essentially.
I have a link to my build on PCpartpicker.com in my signature and would strongly suggest looking around there. It's a great place to look at the builds others have done and lets you search by part. By that I mean you can look up builds that use your exact case just to see what others have done. For custom building and cables, I would also suggest the group that did my cables (should be a link to them in the build description) as they were amazing quality cables and I was able to get them exactly how I wanted them color wise. Great price for custom work as well!

Fantastic, I just looked through all of your pictures.. going to read more of your build log when I get a chance (here at work). First question I have, I want to utilize both of my SSD bays but I am having a hard time figuring out exactly how I will connect them both. The normal PSU power supply wires they provide for those are awkward at best (and generally made for the back drive bays, almost like a ribbon wire. Hope you know what I am referring to). Anyways did you purchase some adapters for them or.. just how did you connect them both?
They are both SATA powered SSDs and the PSU, being modular, came with a number of different cables. It still fits just fine though on my motherboard the fit was a little tight on one if I recall. Run the cable from the bottom in the PSU shroud area and up the openings behind the SSD trays, plug the drives in while the drive is mounted on the tray, and then install the tray on top of the shroud, should be fairly easy.

Yeah I see what you are saying, did you use the same connection for both of them or two separate ones?
That... I don't remember and won't be able to check on for like 2 weeks as I'm about to travel out of town. If I had to guess, I would say the sata power cable had 3 plugs on it and I was probably able to use 3 and 1 for the drives with 2 being left open and tucked under the gap between the drives.
So I'm late to the party, but I thought I would throw my build out there that I made in April. (link in my sig) I hope your build went the way you hoped!