Looking for opinions on my new Build


Jan 19, 2016
Hello all:

I'm looking at building a new rig for gaming/streaming on twitch/light content production. I have been reading quite a bit and watching tons of reviews. But I would like some more experienced eyes to look over my part list:

CPU: Intel i7-5930k (3.5GHz stock clock) 6-core.

CPU Cooler: Corsair H110i all-in-one liquid cooler.

Motherboard: Asus X-99 (A).

Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB DDR4 running at 2133MHz

Storage: Samsung 950 Pro 256GB M.2 drive, Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SATA SSD, and a Western Digital 2TB hard drive (Black)

GPUs: twin Gigabyte GTX 980ti Windforces in 2-way SLI.

PSU: Corsair HX1000i fully modular 1000 watt power supply.

I already have a case (a NZXT full tower, basically a 410, but without the side window, I haven't been able to find the exact model.) I'm fairly confident in my choices, but I have only built 2 other systems before this one and I would really appreciate any constructive criticism you might have. I'm looking to stay around $3,000 U.S. But I'm willing to go over by a $100-$200.

Any help is appreciated!

Good point, I'm not being very cost-efficient with the storage. My idea is to have the OS, and other programs (like Adobe Premiere, OBS) on the M.2, frequently played games on the 500GB ssd, and the 2TB would be music, videos, pictures, etc. But I will look in to changing up the storage parts. Thank you!