Looking for opinions on new system case, 1151 MB, and PSU


Feb 16, 2012
Hi! I have been looking through these components for beginning a new build and would like some feedback/opinion from anyone who has experience with these items or wants to bring my attention to something I may have overlooked.

This will be a single gpu system (RX-480 when the partner cards get here) with a (hopefully) i-5 6600k. I was thinking a 750W PSU would be sufficient and I would like it to be at least semi modular. Budget is important so I'm hoping to find something in the $50-$70 range.

As for the case my previous build was in a coolermaster stryker http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119260&cm_re=coolermaster_stryker-_-11-119-260-_-Product

It is a huge very nice case but also unwieldy and weighs 30lbs. As I have given the whole previous system to my son I'm starting from scratch here and would love to have some recommendations on a new case. It needs to at least have mesh dust filters I can vacuum out. A hole for the cpu power cable to run behind the MB, and good cable management options. I am looking at this case:
but there is very little feedback on it and I have never owned an AZZA product before. Also if I could find these options in a smaller case I would be very happy.

As for the motherboard, I'm having a hard time finding something with good power phase for overclocking M.2 capability, good reliability, and minimal frills to cut down on expense. I never plan to Xfire or SLI (I would like to be able to maybe get a 1070 partner board instead of the 480) I was looking at this board because its pretty but is also rather pricey:

I would like recommendations on a sound card as well as the on board audio I've been dealing with recently leaves much to be desired.

Overall budget is in the realm of $1000, but I'm in no mad rush to get it completed I can stretch that a bit over time and maybe watch for some sales. So good item recommends that I can keep an eye on over the next month or two would be welcome. Thanks for any advice!

I like that build wintera, do you have that NZXT case? What is the difference between the Z170 and the H110 chipsets?