Looking for Opinions On the GTX 980 ti(FTW & Classified) vs GTX 980


Apr 28, 2016
Currently I have a gtx 760. I stream bf4 using the nvec profile on obs.

I'm intrested in the gtx 980 and the 980 ti, as they are only $120 difference at microcenter. Looking to hit around 100 fps on 1080p at medium settings for bf4.

All input is greatly appreciated!

Edit: Specs
fx 6300
8gb 1600mhz ram
Evga GTX 760 SC
1 TB baracuda 7200 rpm
Both would be held back by your CPU.

I would look into upgrading your CPU/Mobo to Intel, then getting one of the new cards when they come out (probably the end of June).
The 980TI is a much better value when it comes to performance/price. The 980 is not really worth the gap of performance to cost ratio. Basically you either get a 970 or a 980TI if your looking for the best value. I personally would choose the classified if you can get it for the same price as the FTW. Otherwise either one of them would be a good choice. Your likely going to bottleneck you GPU with the CPU you have, youll have to OC the hell out of it.

I planned on upgrading to Intel's 2017 processor when the time comes. My budget only can only fit a cpu + mb, or the gpu. Since I use the nvec profile I am upgrading my gpu first.

My next question is Classified or FTW? They are a $30 difference here.

Ok, I would still recommend holding on for the new GPUs, seeing as we are so close to release.

If you do buy, then I would go for the cheaper one - $30 for some factory overclocking isnt worth it.

When will these be dropped? The 980 ti's I'm looking at are $50/100 off due to open box also.
Rumors say end of June, cant say for sure.

The new cards are the first using the new smaller manufacturing process (16nm) which should bring much more performance increases than anything else in the last 5 years (we have been on 28nm for around 5 years). So it will be worth the wait in my opinion.