Looking for PSU


Feb 15, 2017
Can anyone suggest a good and trustworthy 550w PSU that is in the £60 range (can stretch Max £10 over (and under)). Preferably modular and quiet, but with my price range i wouldn't expect anything fancy and i would be able to do with a non modular if it came to it.

Thanks in advance!
For you, i suggest good quality Seasonic M12II-520 EVO,
pcpp: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/TgW9TW/seasonic-power-supply-m12ii520bronze

PSU is fully-modular, has 80+ Bronze certification and comes with 5 years of warranty.

All my 3 PCs: Skylake, Haswell and AMD are also powered by Seasonic. (Full specs in my sig.) I have M12II EVO series PSU in my Haswell build and i'm pleased with it.

If M12II-520 EVO is too expensive then from Seasonic and at cheaper price, i suggest S12II-520,
amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/tdd/Seasonic-S12-II-Bronze-Certified-Wired-Power-Supply/B00390P1NO

PSU is fully wired, has 80+ Bronze certification and comes with 5 years of warranty.

The S12II-520 is also powering my AMD build. My PSU is more than...
For you, i suggest good quality Seasonic M12II-520 EVO,
pcpp: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/TgW9TW/seasonic-power-supply-m12ii520bronze

PSU is fully-modular, has 80+ Bronze certification and comes with 5 years of warranty.

All my 3 PCs: Skylake, Haswell and AMD are also powered by Seasonic. (Full specs in my sig.) I have M12II EVO series PSU in my Haswell build and i'm pleased with it.

If M12II-520 EVO is too expensive then from Seasonic and at cheaper price, i suggest S12II-520,
amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/tdd/Seasonic-S12-II-Bronze-Certified-Wired-Power-Supply/B00390P1NO

PSU is fully wired, has 80+ Bronze certification and comes with 5 years of warranty.

The S12II-520 is also powering my AMD build. My PSU is more than 3 years old and still going strong.
Thanks! Now, i noticed that one name as EVO written in it whereas the other doesn't. Call me a noob, but what difference if the non evo to the evo?

EDIT: not sure how to reply, lol, i hope i am doing this correctly. First time you see
Seasonic M12II-520 is discontinued PSU and thus cheaper than the currently offered M12II-520 EVO.

There are few differences between the two PSUs:
M12II-520 is semi-modular and has double ball bearing fan.
M12II-520 EVO is fully-modular, has fluid dynamic bearing fan and it also has under voltage protection that is missing from discontinued M12II-520.