Looking for Quality PSU under $100


Jun 29, 2014
So my last PSU found in this build fried due to an outage. http://pcpartpicker.com/b/Wmf7YJ Currently running my rig on a crappy insignia. I'm looking to upgrade to something RELIABLE and with enough power to support crossfire and overclocking in the future. I was looking at this one but people in the comments say it broke after a month. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438028

Help a man out? I wanna make the right choice here. My budget is under $100. in addition to this i'd also like to get an aftermarket cooler to give me peace of mind. For that i'm looking at this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA66Z28G5714

Looks good. Just have to be sure it fits my motherboard and case. I believe mine is an AM3 socket. Should fit fine right? I notice very few power supplies seem to maintain above 4 stars rating on newegg. Could it be that they all have the potential to fail and have issues? Either way I think i'll take your word for it. Now I just need to pick a good aftermarket cooler.


Perfect. And I had precisely that cooler in mind. You think it would be enough to overclock my fx-6300 to 4.0ghz? I'm questioning whether or not it's worth it. I could go a little more expensive on the cooler if it would mean higher clock speeds.
By the way. Clock speeds are dependsnt on the chip. The cooler will give you more thermal room to raise voltages to try to increase overclock higher but if you dont get a good chip there is nothing you can do and no amount of voltage or low temps will not help firther. The noctua is the better cooler tho

Thank you so much man you've been an outstanding help and thanks to you I won't waste my money. I need this pc for college work.