Looking for recommendations:


May 19, 2009
It has been a while since I have built a system from the ground up. The last ground up build was in early 2005, with the AMD 64 3000+. Recently, about a month ago, I stumbled across a Biostar GF8200 M2+, AMD X2 5000+, and 2 GB of OCZ memory for right at $100. I already had an 8800GT 512 which I used. I also reused my 650W Power Supply, which was only about 10 months old. That turned out to be a big mistake. The power supply started throwing out lower voltage that it should have, and ended up burning up my chipset on the motherboard, and fried my video card (didn't realize it was doing it until it was too late.) This all happened this last weekend, so for the second time this year, I am left having to rebuild, except this time it is from scratch.

I am looking for general recommendations on video and processors. I will likely go with OCZ or Crucial for my memory, and have a few motherboards I am looking at (all AM2+.) I will chose the power supply after I figure out what I am going to do about everything else.

I am only interested in AMD processors, and have about a $60-140 dollar price range. The ones I have been looking at the most are the X2 6000+, X2 6400+, PHENOM II X3 720, PHENOM X3 8750 and the PHENOM X4 9650, but I am open to other recommendations in the price range I quoted.

I am also looking at video cards, but my price range is again limited to between $100 and $140, but I am not really going to be picky on whether it is ATI or nVidia. I have been looking at the GTS 250's, 9800GTX, and the Radeon 4850. Granted this will likely be contingent on what chipset I ultimately choose, but I am just looking for some decent recommendations in those ranges. I do not have any extra money to spend and the two ranges are the absolute lowest I want to spend, and the absolute highest I can spend.

Thanks for any advice or input, also, if anyone wants to recommend a decent motherboard, I would also be open to those recommendations as well, and my price range is right around the $100 mark on that.


May 19, 2009
Thanks mate, that MOBO was one of them I was looking at, but I didn't see that combo up yesterday. Thanks for the recommendations, and I can't wait to see what others think, as I am in a bit of a pinch for money, and anywhere I can save, I would like to.


May 19, 2009
I understand that I should likely get a better card, but from what I found, there isn't much of anything better in the price range I have to work with, that is why I came here, to look for other options that I may have overlooked.


Jan 7, 2009
The 4850 is fine, x3 720 + the gigabyte combo is a +1

if the card is to much, the 4770 is also rather good looking for it's price and performance.

Ram: G.skills ddr2 1066..... 800mhz if you dont want to o.c. that is G.skills PI black 800mhz.


May 19, 2009
Thanks for some more advice, I sincerely appreciate it. I have pretty much decided on the X3 720 at this point due to strong reviews, and several recommendations. As for the video card, I am still kind of on the edge, as I have seen decent reviews on the 9800GTX+, the GTS 250, and the HD4850, just not sure about the specs, as they are so close, but I don't know. Also, I figured I'd pose another question. I am indeed in the market for a Power Supply, I thought I had a few picked out, but I am back to the drawing board, as I am not sure which route to go. My choices right now for PSU are a Raidmax RX-730SS and the CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX (Both of which are around the same price, and both have decent reviews. So basically I think I will be set once I decide on the PSU and the GPU. Still open to advice on those atleast. Thanks again to all of you who have been generous enough to lend your advice!


Jan 7, 2009
750tx is wayy overboard for this. 750tx will run 2 4890's.

450w is all you need, 4770 will perform around the same or a little less thna 4850 and will only need a 400cx psu by corsair.


May 19, 2009
Really, hmm... I guess I just assumed that I would need atleast 600W to deal with everything that I would have in the system. Looks like I need to go back to reading the power requirements again (musta skipped over them last time around)


May 19, 2009
Alright, after some careful consideration, and some money issues, I have to cut corners. May cut the processor down next, but I have come across a board that seems like it could possibly fit my needs, whether I decide to stay with the X3 720 or not. Her e is the board: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157154.

Also as for the power supplies go, does it make a huge difference on how many internal drives I will have (2 IDE hd's and 1 sata Hd, plus my sata dvd burner?) I know many have said a high end 500 would be sufficient, but I wanted to through that in just incase I should go bigger. thanks again for all the assistance.


May 19, 2009
I kinda figured that, but I wanted to make sure, as I have always been the type to go higher on the power supply. Of course, I up until this build always bought lower end power supplies, and ended up getting higher watts (650-700W.), but I am currently looking at the OCZ 500W. to see if it should handle everything okay, it is this psu: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341016. Although I will likely miss the rebate by the time I get the product, I would likely be able to order in time to get the $10 off promo that is going on.
You can get the rebate if you order it before the rebate deadline. Usually there is ~30 days to send in the rebate after that. As long as the date on your order receipt is before the deadline, you're good.


May 19, 2009
Yeah, I see that now, has 21 days from time of purchase, my only concern is making sure that the amperage is right for the cpu and graphics before I purchase on, as my last system was taken out by an ailing power supply.


May 19, 2009
Fairly sure that I am going to go with the 9800GTX or the HD4850 (1Gb), the GTS 250 is still the only other possiblity.