Looking for some help


Sep 12, 2011
Hey guys,

I've just been given a Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H (rev. 2.1) - motherboard - ATX - Socket AM3 - AMD 890GX - Socket AM3:

http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=gsis,i18n=true&cp=15&gs_id=1j&xhr=t&q=gigabyte ga-890gpa-ud3h&safe=off&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1366&bih=677&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13637669230496117491&sa=X&ei=9kZuTpaGJMWnhAe0kKGDDA&sqi=2&ved=0CDwQ8wIwAQ

4 gig of Crucial Ballistix DDR3 ram, an OCZ modXstream pro 600w psu, a 1tb sata hdd, and a dvd writer.

Now, that's a lot better than this shite laptop for sure, and I've got to get it up and running.

I'm well out of the loop nowdays when it comes to PC components and i'm also pretty skint, can anyone help me by telling me if the onboard graphics will be sufficient to play some decent games? if not can you point me in the direction of reasonably cheap card, and a basic case would be awesome too. I'm pretty sure I can get hold of a screen and I really want to get this baby up and running!

Any help is very much appreciated.
The first thing we typically ask for is your resolution in order to make an informed recommendation.

The integrated video is not bad on the 890GX, but it is mainly for HTPC use. It can pay some casual games, but not top releases like Modern warfare, battlefield, and other 3D video games.

Lets assume you're able to get a 22", or 1680X1050. You could start looking at the HD5670 or 6670. They would be about the min I would recommend.


Sep 12, 2011
Thanks, the only problem is that I really don't have the money for anything like that at the moment, I'm not expecting to be able to play everything at full res at all, but I would be interested in finding out if there is a cheap but reasonable solution :)