Looking for suggestions for a dependable mobo for a AMD FX 8350 in the $100-$120 range.


Feb 16, 2015

As the title says, Im just looking for suggestions for a dependable motherboard for the AMD FX 8350 thats priced in teh 100-120 range. I dont plan on doing any real OC work or anything of that nature.

My current load out is
Asus Amd m5a99x Evo
Phenom II x 4
evga GTX 760
gskill 4x4gb ram ddr3 1600
corsair tx650w psu

If possible, Id like the new mobo to work with the other components (like GFX card and etc). As I said, I dont plan on OCing anything. Thanks again!
My mother board is the regular m5a99x evo. Not the R2 or what its called. Im asking for a good dependable one because I tried using hte AMD FX 8350, and my system wouldnt go to post. (Mobo is fine, as are my other componants after testing things out). Mobo powers up just fine, just get the red LED on teh board for the cpu. While Im not sure about this, Ive read in some cases that the older EVO mobo doesnt like the 8350, even if tis an am3+