Looking for Suggestions (Laptop fan for MSI GT60)

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May 28, 2014

As the title suggests, I am looking for a laptop cooling fan for my MSI GT60-424 laptop. I play medium-heavy titles that are very intensive and the left side of the laptop gets uncomfortable. It is a 15.6" laptop.

So it outputs air on the left side and the two vents in the rear and takes in air from the bottom and keyboard(?). My budget is around $40 - $60.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated! If I posted this in the wrong section, please tell me and I will move it. Thanks!
The vents are easily clogged.... I have cleaned out pet hair, dandruff, cookie crumbs, insects out of peeps lappies .... good idea to do about every three months.

USB type Laptop coolers can draw enough power to overtax your lappie's USB ports and fry them. I have found laptop coolers to be pretty much useless unless specifically designed for your specific input ports. Try sticking something unnder the back end of your laptop. I find this solves the problem for most of my users.

It's ok. I am very clean with no food or drinks near laptop area. I also, do not own any pets. So a 2/3 yearly clean should do.

However, the laptop still gets very hot when I play, for instance Assassin's Creed 4, after a couple of hours it is a bit uncomfortable on the left vent. I also don't mind coolers that come with their own bricks, as this is pretty much a desktop replacement save for the occasional LAN party.

You suggested that I put something at the rear? What should I put, make it higher?

Well I looked around the office (yu may have guessed what kind of office that is from my name) and grabbed something that was handy ....and engineer's scale:


Handy is good. I have seen peeps use everything from hockey pucks, books.... to a simple piece of wood molding


Yeah ok. Create a higher space for ventilation. I will pick yours as a solution if there aren't more suggestions.

However, I'd prefer a cooling fan even if it just cools it down a few degrees.
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