Looking for suggestions on RAM/Motherboard, I have most parts.


Feb 26, 2014
Using FinneousPJ's *How to Ask for New Build or Upgrade Advice* guideline, I've decided to ask for your opinions on my current build and on purchasing a motherboard, RAM, and a hard drive. Just so you know, I have limited knowledge on computer building, however my brother has been helping me on the in's and out's. This would be my first PC, and I plan for this machine to be used for gaming, but not any kind of heavy duty high graphics games.

So here are the guidelines:

Approximate Purchase date: The parts I have were purchased in February and March.

Budget Range: I am looking for around a 150$ or less on a motherboard, any trustworthy 8GBs of RAM for under 100$ (2x4 is what i would like), and I have no real idea for a hard drive, just under 80$, i suppose.. I am not looking to buy a SSD, though.

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Movies.. That is really all.

Are you buying a monitor: No.

Parts to [strike]Upgrade[/strike] Purchase: A motherboard, RAM, and a hard drive.

Do you need to buy OS: No.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: I have no preference, just as long as it is trustworthy.

Location: NV, USA.

Parts Preferences: For parts, I also don't have a preference, for the remaining hardware I don't yet have.

Overclocking: Possibly.. Most likely not, though.

SLI or Crossfire: Possibly in the future, but most likely not.

Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080

Additional Comments: I don't think I have any other concerns.
The games I would be playing would be: DotA 2, and ... I can't think of any other ones. But, I know I wont be playing any BF4 maximum settings. Perhaps this machine would be unnecessary for just DotA 2, but I would like the ability to play other games i come across without having to tune down the settings or overclock.

List of parts I own (I'm not sure if these links are the exact ones I've purchased):

Intel Core i3-3250 Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz LGA 1155 55W Dual-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics 2500 BX80637I33250

SAPPHIRE Vapor-X 100364VXL Radeon R9 270X 2GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 CrossFireX Support OC WITH BOOST Video Card

CORSAIR CXM series CX430M 430W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply
(I purchased this before the CPU and GPU, and I'm not sure if this is too little wattage for the setup I'm using, should I upgrade?)

Corsair Graphite Series 230T CC-9011040-WW Grey on Black with BLUE LED fans ATX Mid Tower Computer Case

Hardware I have yet to buy and comments I have to make:

Motherboard: The Asus motherboards were said to have a nice BIOS, and i like easy-to-navigate things.

RAM: The G.Skill seems to be what many people have so that interests me.

Hard Drive: The Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB looks pretty. Was wondering if there are any better for around the same price.

And so, that concludes my gaming build so far. Any criticism on my current rig so far is appreciated, as is suggestions for the rest.