Looking for tips with Windows Vista


Dec 1, 2015
I looked around and couldn't find anything on the site so if I missed it please let me know...
I have a Dell XPS 630i with Windows Vista. I'm not sure if it is RAID 1 or RAID 0 I believe it is striped across both hard drives. I was given this computer so don't give me too much crap about it and I don't have much money to spend so can't build one I'd live to have.

I was wondering if there is a way to wipe everything off of it besides Windows Vista? The person before downloaded a ton of stuff and used it for business and there are files EVERYWHERE.

No disk was given to me I just have the tower. If I'm screwed just tell me I don't care just figured I'd try to play with it for a little bit and play a few small games.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 / 2.4 GHz
NVIDIA nForce 650i SLI
If you have the license key sticker, you might be able to wipe the entire disk and start over. You will have to find a Vista install disk.