Looking for upgrade advice from i5-6402p


Jan 1, 2017
I'm currently running a MSI GTX 960 4G with an i5-6402p and 8gb ram.
I'm looking to upgrade because I've noticed in games like the division my CPU is at 100% and high heat at all times while my 960 is at about 75% usage max, while I can get stable 60 on medium I feel a 960 is capable of high. I also noticed that moving to different areas quickly will result in extremely slow rendering speeds of objects, some even being invisible until I run into them and sit there for a few seconds. Is there anyway to turn turbo off and lock the CPU at 3.4GHz, which it's capable of? If not I'm looking to upgrade to a FX-8350 ( I'm not too sure how it is with gaming), or an i5-6600k if needed. Will I then get a GPU bottleneck with one of these? How much would each help me and when would they bottleneck better cards?

I also look forward to upgrading the GPU sometime in a year or 2. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you!

EDIT: I have an ASUS H170 pro motherboard, which I believe is an LGA 1151 socket
The best thing to do is just re-install it. All you need to do is buy a $5 tube of thermal paste. Remove the heatsink and wipe off the residue from the heatsink and the cpu with alcohol. Then reapply a small amount of paste like the size of a pea to the center of the cpu and install the heatsink again. I'm sure you could probably find an instructional video online.

If you want to buy a better cooler, I would get this instead of the hyper 212 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF39E2338&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
The FX8350 is a downgrade in performance and would be a terrible idea to even consider. I wanted to get that out of the way.

You would be MUCH better off upgrading your 960. That i5 is strong enough to run a GTX1060 which would be a HUGE upgrade for you.

Your i5 should not be running "high heat at all times" and this is an indication of a different issue. Do you have adequate airflow in your case? Are you sure the cpu heatsink is installed correctly? Have you tried monitoring your clock speed during heavy loads?

It's not exactly the FPS which I am looking for, I'm looking to fix the extremely slow rendering of objects near me. There will be times where the ground doesn't even render and I fall through it. I have dual monitors so I constantly monitor the usage, my CPU speed is always changing and never seems to hit 3.4 ghz like intel promises, even when it's trying to load up the entire map next to me which isn't currently loaded properly.

EDIT: I also don't believe upgrading to a 1060 would be worth it as it seems the CPU is already bottlenecking a 960 while playing The Division on low settings as it's usage is always at 100% and doesn't budge from it
The 6402p can only turbo to 3.4ghz on 1 or 2 cores. It can only turbo to 3.2ghz on all 4 cores. This is normal. If heavy load usage is going from 3.2-3.4ghz than that is normal. If it's dropping to 2.8ghz or lower under loads than there is a thermal issue somewhere. Either way, the i5 is relatively stronger than the 960. Your i5 + a 1060 would be much better than an i7 6700k + your 960.

EDIT: your i5 is not going to bottleneck a 960 unless something is wrong. The 960 is just a lower-midrange video card.

So should I buy a hyper 212 evo first to fix the heating issue and see what happens? Because the CPU never stays at 3.2 under extremely high load sometimes it even drops below its base 2.8 ghz clock

EDIT: Also would rendering of objects be a processor issue because it's extremely bad and makes it seem like my processor is to slow to run the game even on low, while I see people playing with the same exact card on high with a solid 60 fps and no rendering issues with processors that don't seem too much better than mine, for example the FX-8350
It's always best to identify the problem before running out and spending money to fix it.

Does your case have adequate airflow? Do you have at least one case fan as intake and at least one case fan as exhaust? Is your cable management so bad that it's obstructing the airflow? Is it ridiculously dusty inside? Are you sure the heatsink is installed correctly? Have temps always been high or only recently?

Yes, I have one intake in the front and one outtake on the back with a vertical upwards flow. There shouldn't be any issues with wires as they are all mostly ran in a separate compartment behind where the motherboard is mounted, while there is next to no dust on or in the computer, it has a transparent side so I regularly pay attention to that. It's also up off the floor, on a glass desk, so that shouldn't be the issue.

I'm currently using a stock intel CPU cooler and I'm not sure how to diagnose if it is installed correctly, the computer is an iBuyPower.
The best thing to do is just re-install it. All you need to do is buy a $5 tube of thermal paste. Remove the heatsink and wipe off the residue from the heatsink and the cpu with alcohol. Then reapply a small amount of paste like the size of a pea to the center of the cpu and install the heatsink again. I'm sure you could probably find an instructional video online.

If you want to buy a better cooler, I would get this instead of the hyper 212 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF39E2338&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=