Looking for upgrade

That motherboard is HOT if that program you are using is right. I am not sure if thats PCH temp or VRM temp but 116c is too hot for either. I would get something like HWmonitor and check your temps to see if that 116c reading is correct.

As for your question, what would be your budget for a cpu? Are you looking to upgrade to skylake/kaby lake or ryzen? They would require a new mobo, ddr4 ram, and the cpu.

Birthday money budget so maybe £100 maybe if upgrading a mobo or monitor I can sell it and get little extra onto this budget

about the mobo temp I just think my mobo is that bad its not reading properly

Like, for example, you could get an i7 4790k, and that would be fine, but that's on a dying platform. it's an upgrade, sure, but in the next 2 years you might want to upgrade again, and now you're at the same place.

I would save the money, start banking your money now, and sometime in the near future, maybe you'll be able to make the jump to DDR4's platform