Looking to build CG workstation with 4 Titan X GPUs need PSU recommendations


Jan 26, 2010
Designing a duo 8 core Xeon graphics workstation for animation purposes which have 128GB (8 x 16GB) DDR4 2800 memory and four Nvidia Titan X GPUs for a total of 12288 cores (Essentially a "poor mans VCA"), plus a couple HDDs and an SSD.

Read through another thread concerning a similar build but that was for a x4 Titan-X SLI setup. As I understand, from that thread, SLI reduces the total power requirement to a degree, however I will be keeping all 4 GPUs independent (which is standard for multiple GPU workstations).

What I am need to know is how "hefty" of a PSU would be required to safely power this beast. Basically I like to have a "reasonable" amount of "headroom" to reduce the chance of a "meltdown" during "heavy" and extended rendering jobs.
...good to see Corsair up there in the first tier. I have the 750W model in my current workstation, been rock solid. So 1300 - 1400 watts would be sufficient for four Titan Xs not in SLI mode then and still offer enough "overhead"? Again I tend to "overbuild" (and I never overclock) to avoid any "surprises".

The CPUs I'm looking at draw only 85W ea at peak. Memory load should be relatively insignificant especially since DDR4 draws less power than DDR3.

Also as a side question, most of the memory I am seeing is mentions "made for for X99 MBs". I am looking to use an X10 server board so does that mean such memory won't be compatible?