I've decided I want to build a PC, my budget is around 650-700 pounds ( I live in the UK)
I intend to use it for gaming (not AAA titles, more like Dota 2, Endless Space, Steam games 2-3 years old, you get the point) and day to day use.
As spare parts I currently the storage parts ( I saw the Crucial SSD 275gb for around 65 pounds, maybe get it later down the line)
For the processor I think the softspot would be the i5-6500 not sure if it would worth the downgrade to 6400 or upgrade to 6600 or 6600K.
I am not an overclocker (for now)
I have a dilemma for the graphic cards: I thought I could go for the 1050ti or get some extra more cash for the 1060 3gb version but then I saw that 950 (?) and 960 can be a match for 1050ti (as far as I understood they are a generation older but higher up the rank) so I'm not sure for which one to go (and be future proof at least a couple of years).
For the rams I can also save some money and go for a 2x4 @ 50 pounds instead of 2x8 at 85 (not sure if worth tho)
Motherboard was another dilemma as I found out the z170 to be the one to go with but also after reading some review i saw that H170 is also nice.
Anyways, here is my build for the moment, let me know what you think - any suggestions are welcomed as I am new to this.
Here is what I built so far. Thank you! https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/RrJD7h
I've decided I want to build a PC, my budget is around 650-700 pounds ( I live in the UK)
I intend to use it for gaming (not AAA titles, more like Dota 2, Endless Space, Steam games 2-3 years old, you get the point) and day to day use.
As spare parts I currently the storage parts ( I saw the Crucial SSD 275gb for around 65 pounds, maybe get it later down the line)
For the processor I think the softspot would be the i5-6500 not sure if it would worth the downgrade to 6400 or upgrade to 6600 or 6600K.
I am not an overclocker (for now)
I have a dilemma for the graphic cards: I thought I could go for the 1050ti or get some extra more cash for the 1060 3gb version but then I saw that 950 (?) and 960 can be a match for 1050ti (as far as I understood they are a generation older but higher up the rank) so I'm not sure for which one to go (and be future proof at least a couple of years).
For the rams I can also save some money and go for a 2x4 @ 50 pounds instead of 2x8 at 85 (not sure if worth tho)
Motherboard was another dilemma as I found out the z170 to be the one to go with but also after reading some review i saw that H170 is also nice.
Anyways, here is my build for the moment, let me know what you think - any suggestions are welcomed as I am new to this.
Here is what I built so far. Thank you! https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/RrJD7h