Looking to build new Gaming PC


Jul 14, 2013
Hi, after having my current gaming PC unfortunately breaking on me I am looking into building a new PC for gaming.
Here is the build that I've put together:
The new build has a case that comes with a PSU - its a coolermaster elite 500w PSU.

And my old PC had a Gigabyte x58-usb3 mobo, an intel i7 930 2.8ghz, corsair 6gb ddr3-1600.

Is the build I've put together much of an upgrade over my old PC? I don't know much about AMD - is the AMD fx-8320 better than the i7 in my old PC?
I've picked a cheap mobo in the new PC build, What are the consequences of this?

Looking at other budget gaming PC builds, A lot of them use AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition CPU. This CPU is way cheaper than the one I've picked. I don't see why so many use it though.. Is the one I've picked better?

Would I be better off buying a 6core CPU from AMD with a higher clock speed than the lower clock speed 8 core I've picked?

Am I missing something in this build? Do I need anything else to build a PC? (Not my first time but better safe than sorry!)

I already have a corsair h60 CPU cooling system, will it fit inside the coolermaster elite 430 case because my old elite 330 case we had to drill holes in the side of the case to mount it on the side - which is not very convenient!

Other than those questions, any other insights from you guys would be very helpful! I don't particularly want to spend more than I've already got on this setup and certainly no more than £500 ex.vat

Hello I apolagize that you have been waiting for a few days but I have just recently built a gaming pc and I have learned a lot from my build.

First, The processor is great but the cpu cooler is completely unneeded. If your going to be spending 60$ on the cooler you might as well spend 30 and upgrade the actually cpu, or just take and pocket the extra 30 dollars. Also this cooler is getting pretty bad reviews about breaking down and it not functioning.

Second, Forget what I said about pocketing that 30$. You highly need to upgrade your motherboard. I suggest the I suggest this motherboard. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131820. There is currently 55$ off on newegg.com and that brings it down to...
Hello I apolagize that you have been waiting for a few days but I have just recently built a gaming pc and I have learned a lot from my build.

First, The processor is great but the cpu cooler is completely unneeded. If your going to be spending 60$ on the cooler you might as well spend 30 and upgrade the actually cpu, or just take and pocket the extra 30 dollars. Also this cooler is getting pretty bad reviews about breaking down and it not functioning.

Second, Forget what I said about pocketing that 30$. You highly need to upgrade your motherboard. I suggest the I suggest this motherboard. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131820. There is currently 55$ off on newegg.com and that brings it down to around 130$. I really like this mb and think its a great fit and will be alot better than that one. This one includes wifi card and built in sound-card.

Third, the ram is fine but i suggest this ram instead http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231428.

Fourth, Your storage is good for the money :)

Fifth, this is a MUCH better card for the money, I usually like nvidea but for 150 there isn't much.

Lastly, there is no reason to buy windows pro for gaming :)

Here is a updated build that I recommend, feel free to mess around with this build and repost it! I would love to help!

this is not including the mobo http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16813131820R
