Looking To Build


Apr 22, 2014
Ok, I have two build choices for you. They both include they monitor (with built in speakers), a keyboard, and a mouse.

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/CM7LFT This has an SSD and a HDD. Your boot times (OS) and whatever you put on the ssd will be really, really fast.

This does not have an ssd, but it has a faster video card. Keep in mind that you can always upgrade to an ssd or do what I did, which was get a 64gb ssd at first, then get a larger one. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/rFLQcf

Some items have a mail in rebate that gets you the price. If you do not wna to do mail in rebates, le me know and I can easily swap some parts out for you.

If you need a network card or adapter (wireless), let me know.

Also, the keyboard is what...
Do you need a monitor, keyboard, and mouse as well?

This is in the middle of your budget without the peripherals. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/sM2st6 $1222.85

This is what I would get at the maximum of that budget. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ppWQcf $1380.87 (this has a better CPU cooler and CPU)

These are really the best you can get all around.

I can cut these down if you need the peripherals too. Just let me know.
Ok, I have two build choices for you. They both include they monitor (with built in speakers), a keyboard, and a mouse.

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/CM7LFT This has an SSD and a HDD. Your boot times (OS) and whatever you put on the ssd will be really, really fast.

This does not have an ssd, but it has a faster video card. Keep in mind that you can always upgrade to an ssd or do what I did, which was get a 64gb ssd at first, then get a larger one. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/rFLQcf

Some items have a mail in rebate that gets you the price. If you do not wna to do mail in rebates, le me know and I can easily swap some parts out for you.

If you need a network card or adapter (wireless), let me know.

Also, the keyboard is what you would call a clicky keyboard. If you want a quiet keyboard, they make it in cherry mx black which might be suited more for you and its $10 more. It is personal preference.
I'm so sorry. I didn't see your response until now. So you are sure that list with the SSD is compatible with my motherboard? Sorry I just want to make sure because I am looking to start purchasing today.

Yes, both build will work with your motherboard. However, I really recommend getting the non ssd build as it has a faster GPU as an ssd is a cheap upgrade when compared to the GPU.
Hmm I was really looking forward to an SSD for a really fast boot time. Plus I was looking towards a high end GeForce 700 series. But what would be better about the other video card instead of the one with the SSD?

The card is just faster and better. An SSD is an upgrade that can be added at any time where as a GPU is a bit different as it is a big purchase. If you want to, go ahead and get the SSD build.

So you want an nvidia card? Any reason as to why?
I see what you are saying like its easier to get the good card then the sad than to get the not so good card and ssd then have to buy a better video card later. Gotcha. Nah there isn't really a reason I just have heard more about nvidia cards but that probably isn't a good reason lol

I didn't mean that one card is not good. They are both great. If it were me, I would get the better GPU and get an SSD later. Both of those cards can max out games with no problem at 1920x1080p.

Either of the cards will be fine. If you want the SSD now, go for it. If you want to wait to get the SSD, that is ok to.

Alright that sounds good to me. Also, subscribe to newegg's email as you can get great discounts on SSD's. I believe the Samsung 840 Evo and Pro will have a price cut or will be on sale a lot due to the 850 drives coming out.

If you ever need help on the building process or any general questions, you can always private message me.