Found a buyer offering this online, not sure how good it is. Just looking for an older PC to play some last gen games I missed out on, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Witcher 2... Doesn't have to be top settings either, playing on a 1080p TV with Steam big picture mode.
Motherboard: Asus P5LD2-VM
Ram: Patriot Ram 8GB
HDD: 500gb
GPU: AMD 6870
CPU: i5-650 3.2 ghz
Is $400 a decent price for this? I see it's all mostly 2010 generation hardware...
Thanks in advance
Motherboard: Asus P5LD2-VM
Ram: Patriot Ram 8GB
HDD: 500gb
GPU: AMD 6870
CPU: i5-650 3.2 ghz
Is $400 a decent price for this? I see it's all mostly 2010 generation hardware...
Thanks in advance