Looking to buy a custom built laptop. Which is the best builder?

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Feb 10, 2013
I currently have my mind set on the Sager NP7338 (barebone base is Clevo W230SS), which sells under several names under different builders. Which builder would be the best? It'd be great if I can hear from people who had experience with a custom laptop builder.

Here are the builders I'm currently looking at:
  • ■ SagerNotebook (the first-party builder I presume)
    ■ XoticPC
    ■ CyberPowerPC

I'm leaning more toward CyberPowerPC because they're giving me a lot more stuff compared to the other two, and for the lowest price of all. I'm reluctant to firmly choose them because I've read reviews from other people that they're horrible; although I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt that most of those problems occur only when they build desktop computers, since laptop computers shouldn't be any harder than simply taking an already-built custom chassis and shoving components into it.

Is CyberPowerPC really that bad? If so, are they just as bad in their notebook building department? How about XoticPC?

Thanks for your input. I did have a look at Origin PC but they are by far the most expensive of all the builders I've seen (what I configured on CyberPowerPC using almost identical configurations costs about $500 less compared to that of Origin PC, both using the same base laptop by Clevo). Falcon Northwest simply doesn't have a config small and lightweight enough for my need.

well the other two I can think of that might be worth a shot are.
http://www.digitalstormonline.com/ (generally considered overpriced at least on desktops. nice stuff though)
the razer blade http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-systems/razer-blade (expensive but about the weight of a macbook air. )

Whoa, $2k+! I think I'd rather trade off the lesser weight for a bit less money. Also, I've read that the new GTX 860M outperforms the 765M, and Digital Storm doesn't have that in their variant of the Clevo yet. I have looked at a few more builders/resellers, such as PowerNotebooks and LPC Digital.
Haha can't say I blame you on the price thing. You are right about the 800 series though plus with their much better power use can't really recommend a 700 series for a notebook anymore(maybe on price).

Good luck on your search though! I'll post if I think of anyone else.

Thank you for your suggestions and participation. I just hope Sager/Clevo is a good manufacturer because I don't want to spend $1k+ and have it broken in the middle of my 4-year university journey.
Just noticing that this thread is a bit dated but I wanted to mention https://www.avadirect.com
They built me a great desktop. Explained how and if parts mated well with each other and really took the time to make sure I understood and what I was getting and asking for. Big time novice and they treated me exceptionally well. 3 yr warranty on parts and lifetime on labor. Personal service from beginning to end.

I'm looking to do the custom laptop thing now and I keep going back to AVA Direct.
I'm interested in knowing what you finally wound up with.

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