Looking to buy a new motherboard compatible with my GPU


Aug 19, 2016
I bought a rx 580 recently, but my prebuilt computer is not UEFI compatible. I am looking to replace my motherboard with a newer one compatible with my current hardware. I have a 700w psu, an intel i7 2600. I understand i need an LGA 1155 motherboard. Will I be able to keep my current 4 sticks of 3gb ddr3 ram? Also, i read in some cases i may have to buy a new copy of windows. If so, do I have to prepare my HDD in some way, as it already has a copy?

If you are currently running Windows 10 and logging in with your Microsoft account, the product key is assigned to that. Just install Windows 10 on the new system and log into your MS account. No need for purchasing new keys.

im running windows 7 right now. when i buy a new copy of windows, do i need to somehow remove windows 7 from my hdd?

Nope, just remove the files you wanna keep (if any). pictures, documents etc. Throw them onto a portable HDD. Then just insert Windows 10 installation USB/Disc and boot from it. Your old Win 7 will be deleted and overwritten in the process.