Looking to buy a new Up to date PC to last me a while


I would like to get a completely new pc (case and all) and i want it all to be good enough so I dont have to upgrade for years. I have a set budget of around 1,000-2,000 dollars
GPU: I want my GPU to be NIVIDIA brand ( I dont know why ive just always liked Nividia) something very fast that can run stuff like PUBG, rainbow six siege, ark, rust ETC at ATLEAST 60 fps.

CPU: Something that can run alot of tabs (discord, google chrome, itunes, twitch messenger, slack, Uplay, steam) and still be able to play my games without problems. also I want it to be overclockable.

Motherboard: No requirements that I know of (haven't learned much about what to look for when buying one)

PSU: No requirements

Case: if somebody could give me suggestions of cases that look nice that could be great!

CPU Cooler: something to keep my CPU cool, I will want to overclock my CPU.

Ram: No requirements

This is not included in the budget but i would also like suggestions for keyboards and mice that are quiet but also great... Also a nice headset.

Thank you for anybody who helps me out! Very appreciated.