Looking to buy an AMD fx 8350?


Apr 7, 2011
So I currently have a intel i7 950 (3.06ghz) with an arctic rev. 3 cooler (i think) and it has been running super hot (70-80c not even on full load) so I was thinking about upgrading to a really good deal on the AMD fx8350 black edition 8 core, I would have to buy a new motherboard but honestly I'm too lazy to send in my mobo for rma with some ram slots that failed on it. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I mean I am getting double the cores plus an extra ghz of breathing room for gaming. Im hoping to spend 150 for the fx 8350 and around 150 for a new mobo that supports it. Thanks guys!

if you're gamer,get i5, if you prefer rendering, multitasking,video editing etc but also game time to time, go for FX-8350. If I'd were you I wouldn't buy so expensive mobo, there's plenty out there for like 60-80$ that can handle that CPU just as well.
if you're gamer,get i5, if you prefer rendering, multitasking,video editing etc but also game time to time, go for FX-8350. If I'd were you I wouldn't buy so expensive mobo, there's plenty out there for like 60-80$ that can handle that CPU just as well.
not worth it it would be more of a sidegrade than upgrade in some cases even downgrade(everywhere single core performance is a factor) you would be a lot better of just by rma'in the old board or getting another one for that chip and overclocking it to 2,6-40ghz