Looking to buy an assembled gaming pc

Krishnan Iyyer32

Feb 23, 2015
I am looking to buy a good configured stable gaming rig that can play next gen games.I am looking for sites preferrable Indian sites but it also can be from US because I like the quality being produced.
I have been playing for almost 20 years and now I am looking for a good assembled pc(configured and stable thebest way).
1.It would be preferrable if the rig can perform well on 4k resolution.
2.The site must be a good reputed one.
3.It should just dominate all games and be the best rig.
I am from India and am ready to spend for this pc.
Thanx and I hope to get some reply.
I would recommend at least dual GTX 970's if you are wanting 4k gaming. A lot of games will be very demanding at this resolution so don't expect anything silly like a solid 60fps in everything. You should hit at least 35+fps however which is fine. This site is very good for custom PC's and they take extra care in delivering it. Make sure they ship to India!


I altered it slightly to cut out the i7 and it is pointless from a gaming point of view. Added an extra 1tb harddrive and added 2x GTX 970s!
I would recommend at least dual GTX 970's if you are wanting 4k gaming. A lot of games will be very demanding at this resolution so don't expect anything silly like a solid 60fps in everything. You should hit at least 35+fps however which is fine. This site is very good for custom PC's and they take extra care in delivering it. Make sure they ship to India!


I altered it slightly to cut out the i7 and it is pointless from a gaming point of view. Added an extra 1tb harddrive and added 2x GTX 970s!
Hey, I have found you a great PC thats plays 4k games via a GTX 970 check it out here it is a great price!!! -http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575116829&toolid=10001&campid=5337653137&customid=161511521170&icep_item=161511521170&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg