Looking to buy my first Graphics Card


May 28, 2016
Hello, I have just finished my PC build, apart from my GPU, currently using a 660ti from my cousins PC until I can save to buy myself a graphics card, with GTX 1080 being announced I was kind of set on buying that, some say its overkill and I do not need it, but I see it as future proof.
Here are my specs -

Motherboard: ASROCK 970M PRO3
CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.0Ghz (Stock, it claims to be able to OC to 5Ghz) but I dont have any fancy water cooling
Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR3-2400 (Again overkill/Future proof)
PSU: EVGA 500W (Think I should probably upgrade)

I was really thinking the 1080 more specifically, this one. https://goo.gl/9v1wNX
but a few threads tell me that my CPU may bottleneck, so just let me know what you guys think, would love the 1080 but if I have to go down to something like the 980ti I will

That CPU might be small bottleneck for very CPU intensive games. That shouldn't really keep you from buying the 1080 though since you can upgrade your cpu later. You will be ably to reach 60 fps in any game other than the games that absolutely kill your cpu anyway. Like the new Total War Warhammer. As for the card you will be buying. I advise you to wait till they actually release around mid june before buying one. Then you can see which card has the best cooling and is the most quiet. Just don't buy a founder edition.

Thank you, very helpful