Looking to bypass the Domain or put it back to local account usage


Mar 8, 2017
To the moderator that assumed i was looking for a password hack here and closed it http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-3353772/local-user-password.html I'm not at all looking to hack the Password and i wished that you wouldn't have just jumped straight to that conclusion.

i have more energy this morning to better explain it, the details i explained are what lead me up to that point. the problem my friend is having is that his father used a Domain account through his computer. my friends Account is a Local Account that never connects to the internet. he knows his own password.

But what i am have difficulties with is changing it back to the local account because his father never properly logged out and its continuing to wanting access to it.

So anyone know anything from that point? i can get into the hard drive and access the files through a live linux cd, where i am backing up the files for him in the ultimate case i have to reinstall. Although that is a solution, its a last risk one.

i just wonder if i can change the registry settings from there so that i can redirect it in some way to function like it should?

And as always i am not looking for a "Password" but to fix the Account from internet to local.
Moderator Re-opened

Even if a computer has been logged into a domain, the local accounts should still be there and it's just a matter of telling the computer not to login using the domain. If you could post a screen shot of the login screen (use a cell phone to take the pic) and post it here, we might have a better idea of what you're facing.

It's been a while since I've logged into a local account on a system that normally connects up to a domain (back in the XP days), but back then, on XP Pro, if I remember correctly, there was a domain box and a user id box. You could change the Domain to "local" and that would allow you to log in to the local system, using a local account (regardless of whether it was password protected or not).


P.S. Tom's Hardware policy in regards to passwords is very strict. We will, in no way, assist you in bypassing any security protocols, to include forgotten or other people's passwords.

that's the thing i didn't quite understand, normally when I'm in college any of our computers that might of a had a user logged into a domain account, because that's how our school is setup. you always have the option to log out that user. but for some reason this computer isn't even giving me that option.

i get the https://feelsecured.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/windows-7-2013-11-24-13-05-48.png but under the username is his fathers email address. i moved my cursor all over the screen, tried any sort of key combination and nothing comes up.

i was going to do an F4 and get into safe mode and simply log out thinking that might reset it, but i noticed in 8.1 they fully changed how safe mode performs.

I never used it, but how would Refresh affect the computer? would it just simply reset all settings keeping needed files intact. like his pictures, games, other files he has? or will it just simply wipe everything?

i'm trying to find some options here

tried the power method and i see nothing of that, only power off and restart. and the username is locked in, so i can't do .\ or i would have changed the username to Administrator

could it be a security feature that is set to prevent a username change up?

he claims its Windows 8.1, its an HP Laptop.

and yes i tried Crt+Alt+Del even Crt+Shift+Esc

Post a picture of the login screen of before and after you hit control alt delete.


i'm unsure if the url picture works, but the above i posted off my facebook https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1267100356738315&set=a.134334993348196.27231.100003150880063&type=3&permPage=1

as the above screen, i can't go any further then that. i realize the password they are asking is for the live.com account but this is not how my friend logins into his computer, nor is he the owner of the yahoo account, that is his fathers account "which is why i blurred it out for personal reasons" so i can't get into his local account which is frustrating the heck out of me at this point >.<