Question Looking to convert SATA to SCSI 80 Pin?

Jun 13, 2023
Hey everyone! It's my first post here, I was wondering if anyone would have a solution to convert a modern SSD (Specifically a Kingston 120GB SSD, so SATA and SATA power connectors) to SCSI 80 Pin.

I have a Dell PowerVault 770N that I am trying to refurbish and it wont detect a PCIE SATA RAID Card as being a viable place to install an OS (it is a PCIE card with 2 SATA connectors)

I have tried now 4 OS' to no avail as the drives "Aren't Detected" On Windows 2000 Server or Windows XP

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Might be better off hitting up some retro PC communities.

Very common to run old systems off compact flash to replace old hard drives, though the most common is IDE to Compact Flash.

There do seem to be the some 68-pin to SATA adapters out there, might just need to track down a further 80-pin to 68-pin adapter. No idea if that would work though.

Only SCSI device I still have around is certainly 68-pin. But also hot-swappable, so have to use specific trays and there are only a limited range of drives that work in there.