Looking to do some major upgrades


Feb 17, 2015
I was thinking about finally getting a GTX Titan. I was wondering if this build, would everything work perfectly fine with all things considered.
i5 4690k
GTX Titan Z
Asus Z-97A Mobo
H105 Cooler
Would I need a better processor, or will this one work just fine? Also, what kind of power supply would I need for this computer? One that will leave me room to overclock my processor or processor upgrade. Or is it bad to have a larger power supply than needed?

Thanks for the help in advance!!!
The GTX Titan is not really a good buy for the price.
If your not gaming in 4K then a single GTX 980ti is more card than most people need if you are gaming in 4K then a pair in SLI would be your best option.
Your processor is just fine I would overclock it a bit to the 4.4 area and be set on that end.
If your using a single 1080p monitor with a 60 refresh rate a GTX 980 will whack about everything, for a 1440p monitor a GTX 980ti will whack about everything.
Single GTX 980ti http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-power-supply-220g20650y1
Single 980ti with plenty of head room for overclocking. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-power-supply-220g20750xr
SLI 980ti's with plenty of head room for overclocking...


Feb 17, 2015

I never considered sli... You think that would be better?


The GTX Titan is not really a good buy for the price.
If your not gaming in 4K then a single GTX 980ti is more card than most people need if you are gaming in 4K then a pair in SLI would be your best option.
Your processor is just fine I would overclock it a bit to the 4.4 area and be set on that end.
If your using a single 1080p monitor with a 60 refresh rate a GTX 980 will whack about everything, for a 1440p monitor a GTX 980ti will whack about everything.
Single GTX 980ti http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-power-supply-220g20650y1
Single 980ti with plenty of head room for overclocking. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-power-supply-220g20750xr
SLI 980ti's with plenty of head room for overclocking. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-power-supply-120g21000xr