Back history; I've had the same desktop for the last 9 years or so, running on a stock HP p6334f system with the exception of upgrading to a GT640 4 years ago. Its done all my gaming and browsing needs faithfully. I've always run a dual screen setup and monitored system process', ram usage and temps. Just very recently I upgraded to a EVGA 500Wpsu and EVGA Geforce GTX 1050Ti gpu, since then I've seen an upscale in CPU temps by about 10C, right now as I type this, average cpu temp is about 68c on the i3 530 clarksdale cpu with the new GPU installed. Looking for recommendations on cpu coolers so I don't want to waste money and my cpu before its time, I've been looking a a fair bunch but a lot of them have their cons and negative reviews. I would like to keep my desktop for a little time more before taking my upgraded parts and putting them into a new pc, thank you for any help you can give.
i3 530 2.9ghz
8gb ram
4gb vega geforce gtx 1050ti
i3 530 2.9ghz
8gb ram
4gb vega geforce gtx 1050ti