My pc is about 5 years old with the exception of the power supply. Just replaced. Pc is starting to slow down. Need help determining the best upgrade options at this time as I'm starting to lag and get fps drops In games. Esp pubg
Windows 7 ultimate 64bit
Gpu Amd Radeon R9 200 series
Cpu intel(R) core i7 920 @2.67ghz
Memory 16384 240 pin ddr4
Mobo Intel dx58so2
And a 10yr old 7200 600gb HD only 30gb free atm
Thanks for any feed back.
Windows 7 ultimate 64bit
Gpu Amd Radeon R9 200 series
Cpu intel(R) core i7 920 @2.67ghz
Memory 16384 240 pin ddr4
Mobo Intel dx58so2
And a 10yr old 7200 600gb HD only 30gb free atm
Thanks for any feed back.