Looking to maybe upgrade my old CPU (An i3 3220, 3.3 Ghz)


Jul 27, 2017
I was thinking of maybe upgrading my old CPU which is a i3-3220, a while ago I bought a prebuilt with said CPU in it, and all I did was add a zotac gtx 1050 mini, and an extra 4 gigs of ram. To suffice for gaming for the time being as I was on a budget. But now I see that my system is struggling with newer titles like gta 5 and such. So my question is what would be the most budget friendly way to upgrade my system so that I'd be able to play newer titles with decent fps? I would think that the CPU is the bottleneck right? So should I buy a CPU that matches the same socket as the old i3 or something? Or should I replace the thermal paste or something? Because I have not replaced it, I bought it used? For reference the prebuilt I bought was the 'Optiplex 3010 SFF'. Thanks for your time!
You really need to know what CPUs the motherboard supports. Just because it's the same socket doesn't necessarily mean it will support it. There is usually a list of supported CPUs that can be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website; however, your motherboard was made by Dell, so that may not be easy to find and you may have to contact Dell to ask for clarification.

Saving for a new system, you would want a new case to put it in as the SFF Dell case likely will not fit an aftermarket motherboard. Also a new power supply. So you would really need a larger budget to get a new system.

That's why I suggest finding out if the i7-3770 is supported by your motherboard. It will still play the newest games without issue and is the same...

I'm currently looking at a budget of 200, thing is the board that was included with the prebuilt supports a Socket 1155 LGA which, would you suggest rather waiting till I have enough for a new mobo and CPU? Or would you happen to know any decent cpus that wouldn't bottleneck the gpu in any way? Also another quick question when it comes to picking a CPU what's the important things to know? Do you only need to know the socket or is there other things that'll interfere? (I'm quite new to pc building)
You really need to know what CPUs the motherboard supports. Just because it's the same socket doesn't necessarily mean it will support it. There is usually a list of supported CPUs that can be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website; however, your motherboard was made by Dell, so that may not be easy to find and you may have to contact Dell to ask for clarification.

Saving for a new system, you would want a new case to put it in as the SFF Dell case likely will not fit an aftermarket motherboard. Also a new power supply. So you would really need a larger budget to get a new system.

That's why I suggest finding out if the i7-3770 is supported by your motherboard. It will still play the newest games without issue and is the same socket LGA 1155. It is supported by most every LGA 1155 socket motherboard, but you just never know with Dell. I searched their website and the manual and it did not mention a CPU support list or an i7.
