I was thinking of maybe upgrading my old CPU which is a i3-3220, a while ago I bought a prebuilt with said CPU in it, and all I did was add a zotac gtx 1050 mini, and an extra 4 gigs of ram. To suffice for gaming for the time being as I was on a budget. But now I see that my system is struggling with newer titles like gta 5 and such. So my question is what would be the most budget friendly way to upgrade my system so that I'd be able to play newer titles with decent fps? I would think that the CPU is the bottleneck right? So should I buy a CPU that matches the same socket as the old i3 or something? Or should I replace the thermal paste or something? Because I have not replaced it, I bought it used? For reference the prebuilt I bought was the 'Optiplex 3010 SFF'. Thanks for your time!