Looking to overclock, need some help please


Feb 15, 2014
I'm all finished with my build. Its put together and everything is working swimmingly. Now I am looking to overclock. As this is my first build, I have no idea what to set things to, but I have researched to find out what I want.

For reference this is my build:


Okay. So, I want to crank up the CPU higher than what it is, but still at a safe level. I have a pretty good contained liquid cooler with push/pull fans on the radiator and pretty amazing case cooling. But, I don't want to push it too hard. What I want is for it to idle when at low use, but able to hit high peaks when on a demanding task, automatically. If I'm correct, to do that I need to leave on "adaptive voltage" right? So then what should I set the other stuff to to make sure I don't make the CPU unsafe during demanding tasks?

Also, is the Asrock auto OC setting any good?

And finally, what do I do to test my OC? Programs etc and how to I interpret results?

To anyone who can help, thank you so much!

you dont need to overclock this cpu for that , its powerful enough as it is.If you just want to tinker though check out the link bossyfins posted


I don't know about you, but I got into PC building to tinker! Like a Dwarf.

Yeah me too 😀 you can use google to find anything specific on your cpu but even if you do cpu of the same model often oc diffrently so there is no quarantee that the setting that worked for other people will work for you