Looking to replace a bad ga-z87-hd3 board for my i4770k (1150)

Sep 8, 2018
I am trying to replace a dead mobo on my old PC. It’s about 4 years old and has a LGA 1150 (i4770k 3.5ghz) chipset.

Finding my GA-Z87-HD3 has been tough. I know I don’t need the Z87 since I never OC’d the chip. And, I don’t feel comfy doing a refurb board.

This is for my son, 11, who needs it for school, but we also like the occasional SCII or BF4 match.

This list returned on spectek.com for DDR 3 1600 (I have two sticks of 8).

Could anyone weigh in on these? I haven’t even checked availability yet.

FATAL1TY H87 CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL H87 1600MHZ
FATAL1TY Z87 CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Z87 1600MHZ

Q87M-E CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Q87 1600MHZ
Z87-PLUS CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Z87 1600MHZ


GA-Z97X-GAMING 7 CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Z97 1600MHZ
GA-Z97X-SLI CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Z97 1600MHZ
GA-Z97X-UD5H-BK CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Z97 1600MHZ


Z87-G45 GAMING CORE I7 4770K 3.50GHZ INTEL Z87 1600MHZ

Due to the years passed it is difficult to find new mobos of the Z87 chipset and I would not recommend buying a second hand since you will not do OC.

From the fourth generation, the easiest thing to find are chips from the H81 chipset that would have to be used without problems and are relatively cheap. In Europe they cost around 50 eur although I think that in the US they are somewhat more expensive.

For example

ASUS H81M-P Plus
ASRock H81M-VG4 R3.0

If you do not want to do OC, anyone who has the elements you need (USB, SATA connections ...) is enough.
I would try to find the exact same motherboard on ebay.
Used if need be.
If it works initially, it is likely to be ok for a long time.

If you buy the exact same motherboard you will nave no issues with activation.
If your windows license is OEM, it is tied to the motherboard.

If you have a candidate lga1150 motherboard, go to the web site for the motherboard.
That will have a list of processors supported by that motherboard.
Verify that a I7-4770K is supported.

And... is there any particular reason why the motherboard failed?
Is that reason likely to happen again?

I'm having the same issue with asrock h81m. Finding motherboards for 1150 might be difficult, so I would also hit target for new one. Your windows licence should be fine, but you will need to inform Microsoft that You have encountered a problem and your motherboard died.
If you would like NEW one, make sure to check it's bios version to be sure that it support this cpu. Most motherboards cannot upgrade uefi/bios without cpu, so try to ask retailer if they can do so or buy cheapest available celeron on pentium (not sure what is on 1150) and do it by yourself.
thanks for the get-backs.

I don't know what happened. I went through HDD's, power supplies, re-formats, and RAM tests. It started as random shutdowns, and then it progressed to refusal to even get beyond the BIOS. So, there is no windows OEM issue, it's a blank drive, and I'll have a license. I start looking at the things listed above. I didn't have much for peripherals so we kept circling back to the MOBO being the problem.
It's been almost a year since it died, and other things got in the way.

1. i4770k 3.5
2. aforementioned mobo
3. 16 gb of ADATA DDR3 1600
6. corsair 750W ps
7. cooler master 212? for the cpu

I can't remember much more.

No matter how many times I got the thing to start up, it would get into this windows installation loop citing corruption and then crash. I even tried a new out of the box HDD with a fresh win10 purchase (wanted that anyway).

Sometimes it would go through the BIOS to the next drive (usb) and start the crashed install and other times it wouldn't get beyond the BIOS. I found the power supply was not running its fan and replaced that too.

I wasn't worried as it was 4 years old and I was headed to a new machine anyway, but my 11 year old has turned out to have a lot of school work (outside class) be PC_dependent. So, here I am--not wanting to go full-tilt with this case and components until needed. I was hoping a mobo would do it.
Run memtest86.
It will check out basic functioning.
You download it to a usb stick and boot from that.
You should be able to complete a full pass with no errors.

To further eliminate other issues, disconnect the graphics card and use only the motherboard integrated graphics adapter.

Thanks geofelt. Yeah, I did the stick test for ram. Ran it with errors on my GTX 760 and onboard video.

I'm resigned to finding a board now. PC part picker found a load of them , but I can't "find" them in the real world now.

I pulled and cleaned the paste from the chip. Intel i7-4770k SR147 3.58GHZ

I hate to just let this cpu go. It's not a bad brain.
I had a 4th gen mobo go out about a year-ish ago and my only option "new" was a budget Korean board that has worked, but not awesome.

IMO and with the other unknown issues you are having I would probably go with a new Intel mobo, proc, RAM. Be willing to bet your Win 10 activation might even play along.

that's a good read :)

I did find this just now, and I think it would suit the mission. It only has 2 slots for ram, and I only have 2 sticks of "8".

^ so, "what if" the mobo isn't it and you are stuck with trying to buy another new/used 4th gen proc, or bad RAM? How much you want to throw at an old computer?

Considering that nw 4th gen cost the same as new 7/8th gen I wouldn't do it. Not unless I was 110% sure it would run, and I can't see where you could be.

It's like a gamble. If it works you will save good money on a capable system. If not....

In a situation like this, have you considered a nice off lease corporate refurb?
I tested the ram extensively. It passed everything--twice. Swapped HDDs. Pulled vid card. Swapped power supplies. In fact, I went through, cleaned the CPU, re-pasted, and couldn't even get the BIOS to post--not even a signal to the monitor.

I found a board for $77 on amazon. I don't like the idea of returning something, but at this point I don't know, could it be the CPU? How would I know?

From what I recall, since my own 1150 i5 stopped posting, it's most likely motherboard, and not CPU. They say, that it's hard to burn CPU these days. From what I've tried to start cpu without heatsink, it's even hard to get it warm (it's possible, but requires in my case more than minute). Treat it as last gasp of hope, but it's huge improvement since my previous Phenom II X4, not to mention any older stuff - even intel could try it's own space program for just a few secs without heatsink.

However, without other WORKING motherboard it will be impossible to tell - mb most likely don't even start without cpu (even for self-testing procedure), and if its broken itself, status of the cpu won't matter, cause it won't post anyway.

Since You get K CPU, that motherboard doesn't sound too expensive. Maybe go full on this one and buy something with better chipset (if that matters f.e. for oc)?

But, choice between cpu or mb - rest of your stuff is working propertly. It's always something :>