Looking to replace my gtx9800


Oct 25, 2009
I am looking to replace my 9800 with something a little bit more modern. I was using SLI for a long time back when the 9800 was one of the best. Now that I gave my second card away, some games just done run like they used to. Just until recently I started playing FFXIV again and I crash every hour on the hour even though I should be able to play it on low settings. I don't need to play games on the highest settings to enjoy the game. So I was wondering what would be a good graphics card that would be a nice replacement that I could start to play games on at least medium settings. I have an AMD A6 2.7ghz with 4GB ram. I Will re-build a whole new computer around Christmas but until then what card do you recommend Nvidia or ATI doesn't matter just something to keep me occupied till then.
the tahiti le cards sell out fast.

this is an "official" owners club and they have listings for about ten of them

i personally love the card but at that $250 the gtx 760 is still the way to go.
just let me say that if you want to go much beyond 1080p gaming you may want to look at the 7950

with that said this is a good deal and has a 384 bit memory interface.
only 260 or

these are traditionally $300 cards and if those prices hold there will be a big fight at that $250 price point
going on the cheap is the 650 ti boost, then a gtx 660, then the tahiti le chips if they are around 220(which they have not been lately, also this is what i have and i run ff14 beta maxed out and it is pretty), after this is the best deal for now the gtx760, the 7950 has the better memory interface so there is that but for 1080p gaming the 256bit memory interface is fine

Thanks for the response, are there any big differences between the 1 GB and 2 GB I don't see too big of difference in price. So would it just be better to go with the 2GB?


just for reference.
the three places where you get big jumps in performance are listed below, everything between these are incremental.
1. 650 ti boost 2 gig (2GB 192-bit GDDR5 this is true for the 660 also)
2. tahiti le 7870 (probably now replaced by gtx 760) (256-bit GDDR5)
3. gtx 770 (386 bit memory interface)

these are all based on the blue extreme bar which is a good reference for 1080p gaming.

so the above are the only three cards i recommend unless you just want to spend a certain budget.

I think it is a waste of money to spend what the 660 costs just because of that memory interface. the 256 bit is good enough for 1080p once you go over 1080p you want the newest memory interface.

so get the 650 ti boost 2 gig and later get a new monster gtx and make this ti boost your PhysX card


Wow, thanks for that great info. That is pretty much everything I wanted to hear. I don't want to spend too much money because I know I will be building a whole new computer within the year. Could you possibly link those three cards? So what you are saying since I want to sort of go cheap. Go with the 650 ti boost and when I build my new computer I will be able to improve lets say a 700 series with the 650? If that is so I will just go with the 650 ti boost.

Don't worry too much about bus width (aka memory interface) - all that really matters (and what that chart shows) is performance (framerates). You can talk all you want about ROPs, GHz and GB/s but it's all just a means to an ends. The only useful number is frames per second. And in that regard, the GTX760 delivers 20-25% more on average than the GTX660. Given the price difference between that and the GTX660, I'd say they deliver equal value for money.

BUT that assumes there's no CPU bottleneck potential. If you were running an i7 then it wouldn't be an issue. But your CPU will restrict the performance of a high-end GPU like the GTX760. So either accept that performance will be constrained this year and unlock the full potential at Christmas, or buy a GTX660 now and enjoy a less constrained card.

Basically, the added performance of the GTX760 will be worthwhile in your new system, but with your current CPU will deliver similar/equal results to a GTX660.
chodam that is exactly what i am saying

your 9800 gtx has a 256 bit interface. albeit with only 512megs and not running at 6.0 Gbps like the 650 ti boost.

here is the manufacturers web page

this is a review from hardocp (some of the best reviewers) and the link takes you right to metro with crysis 3 only 2 pages away.

nobody will ever convince me that memory bandwidth is not that important or that raw speed will overcome bus width.
To clarify, I'm not arguing there's a huge performance gap between the GTX650 Ti Boost and GTX660 (though I would argue there's more than enough performance difference to justify the small price difference). I'm just saying framerate is all that counts (which is what HardOCP is measuring here). Average performance difference is a little over 10%.
Put simply, GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost combines the setup and shader configuration of Nvidia's GeForce GTX 650 Ti with the 660's back-end and 192-bit memory interface. This is a good thing, we think. On several occasions, we've seen the GeForce GTX 650 Ti limited by relatively low memory bandwidth.

the above is from toms hardware article below:

the question with the 650 ti boost is one or two gigs.

the least expensive are $130 or $160
thats just newegg and i have not searched around for a really good deal on anything
It's up to OP to decide how much framerate gains are worth. Chodam - forget looking at a single game to make your decision. fkr just chose a game with one of the smallest differences to support his argument (known as "cherrypicking" and generally frowned upon in the forums). Here's some average performance scores from a roundup of 18 games (including Metro):


10% difference.


Cheapest GTX660 is $30 more than the cheapest GTX650 Ti Boost. For $30 I'd say 10% is well worth it, but that's up to you to decide. Hope that helps 🙂
like you said the difference is just about 10% across all of the games. i just like to look at the most demanding games since once fps go over 60 they no longer really matter.
if 10% is worth $30 then the other 90% need to be worth $270.

all I am saying is that the price to performance ratio starts to dissolve there
now look at the difference in the 650ti boost an the gtx 760. this scales the $/fps more linearly. i can only use sleeping dogs because of resolution comparison and using the same game. 2560x1600

http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_650_Ti_Boost/19.html 26fps $160-170
http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/MSI/GeForce_GTX_760_TF_Gaming/20.html 44 fps $250
http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/ASUS/GeForce_GTX_760_Direct_Cu_II_OC/20.html 44fps $250
http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/ASUS/GeForce_GTX_780_Direct_Cu_II_OC/19.html 63fps $650

Thank you so much for all the responses! I have learned a lot today between you and fkr, Since I have been out of the graphics card scene for quite some time. I do still have one question. Fkr mentioned that I would be able to use the 650 ti boost to improve the quality of a new gpu like 7 series. So if I did go with the 660 would the improvement only increase by 10% with a 7 series model? or is that something difficult to calculate? 30 dollars more does seem a bit high for a few extra fps. Yet if paired with a higher card would i see a better increase?
there is sli where you need to combine cards for additional performance but they have to be the same card to sli i believe or you do a dedicated physx card.

Running physics on the GPU is typically significantly faster than running physics on the CPU, so overall game performance is improved and frame rates can be much faster. However, adding physics can also impact performance in much the same way that anti-aliasing impacts performance. Gamers always enable AA modes if they can because AA makes the game look better. Gamers will similarly enable physics on their GPUs so long as frame rates remain playable. With AA enabled, running physics on a GPU will generally be much faster than running physics on a CPU when AA is enabled. PhysX running on a dedicated GPU allows offloading the PhysX processing from the GPU used for standard graphics rendering, resulting in an optimal usage of processing capabilities in a system.

if you want to see what phyxs looks like

there are many and better games also to see the effects in motion

i like the idea of a dedicated physx card i like the effects and it seems to have some potential. if you do not like this idea you would have to reuse your new card or sell.

Wow that makes a huge difference. So they being said would the dedicated PhysX card be any different from the 650 ti boost from the 660 or would they be the same. I would think they would be close to the same but I am not certain. If there isn't any difference since I will be buying a better card later on. I may as well go with the cheaper one, since I will be using it less.

the dedicated physx card is kinda a gimmick.
1. it will only work for titles that support physx.
2. I would have to look up some more info but I would be surprised if you can add more than a 20% performance increase.

It would help a little more if you eventually bought a AMD then you would offload from the CPU the physx processing. If you were to ask me should you sell this card when you get a new one or go the dedicated physx route.
I would probably sell it so you can get the best GPU possible when you do or
maybe play with it for a while and see if it is worth it or not.

allot of what i am reading on the internet is all over the place and who knows how different drivers as time has gone by have changed this effectiveness.

from my own experience going from a gtx 560 to the tahiti le I know when i play borderlands with friends there can be a ton of physx going on, to the point of being distracting; but i like it as i am not doing it competitvely and i like all the sludge and slime swirling around

so I do not think buying a dedicated physx card is a good idea.
but if you want to hold out for a while on a build and not have to resell a more expensive card then why not. you always have the option to sell.

this is what i am reading through

Well it sounds like I would like to take the dedicated physx route. Since must of the games I do play are partnered with Nvidia such as Hitman and a few others. I don't play as much games as I used too now that I spend most of my time working. When searching on newegg I only see one tahiti le or are most 7870's that? I could spend the 250's dollars on it but I was hoping to go cheaper. Plus selling a card is a bit of a hassle so if I do spend the 150 I would only have to update my ram and cpu later on which would cut down the price a lot. Since I already know I am not going to do SLI or Crossfire anytime soon. I would rather have one great card. Can you point out any other tahiti le cards or is there just one on newegg?

the tahiti le cards sell out fast.

this is an "official" owners club and they have listings for about ten of them

i personally love the card but at that $250 the gtx 760 is still the way to go.
just let me say that if you want to go much beyond 1080p gaming you may want to look at the 7950

with that said this is a good deal and has a 384 bit memory interface.
only 260 or

these are traditionally $300 cards and if those prices hold there will be a big fight at that $250 price point
with four of those 7950 you could game at medium settings at 4k 60Hz.
that would be about the equivalent of two titans.

i watched three titans 4k game today at very high settings. if they lowered settings just a little they could have had a seamless game and some games were running at 100fps.